EMS and Massage for recovery. Effects on NS and bioelectrical status.

Anyone has an idea on the different effects of EMS (very low frequencies) and massage on the central and peripheral nervous system as well as at bioelectrical level?

not to hijack this thread but i have been looking for inof on what “meridian” points or other body points to put microcurrent pads to aid recovery

I’m not sure if you necessarily have to use the meridian system. From my experience with microcurrent you are looking to normalise the biggest difference in charge between two areas. However, if you want maridian points then just buy an acupuncture book or look at “AK Synopsis 2nd Edition” by Walter.

Certainly massage affects the collegen as it is pezioelectric in nature and probably helps to dissipate charge quicker to speed up recovery. Since the collagen may be involved in communication in the body (living matrix) you would think that both if applied optimally (who knows what that is) would help improve communication channels and hence co-ordination and those things associated with the CNS.