Eccentric Strenth in the Hamstrings...

Could anyone tell me how to go about getting Eccentric Strenth in the Hamstrings???..

Any Comments…

why do you want to focus on eccentric strength?
I cant see how that is specific to sprinting however id say the best way to achieve eecentric strength is to complete your lifts slowly in the eccentric phase (by slowly lowering of the weight).
Also doesnt the racking (finshing parts) of the olympic lifts contribute to eccentric strength?

mstings are:

  1. Eccentric leg curls: raise the weight using both legs and then lower slowly with one leg

  2. Eccentric Swiss Ball Hip Extension: lying on your back with legs straight and heels on the swiss ball - contract gluts and hamstrings and hip will lift up - lift one leg just oiff the ball and slowly lower hips to ground


Please share how you would integrate this into an athletic preparation program.

Hamstring injuries often occur at the end of the swing phase when contraction is changing from eccentric to concentric. I know various physios have recommended eccentric training as a possibility to help prevent this. Whether this is beneficial, I am unsure - any thoughts?

Clemson, Richard

I’ve been doing these eccentric hamstring exercises for a “minor” case of hamstring tendinoses.

With regards to their place in a programme I would include them in a hip dominant day a la Ian King and as part of a GPP phase for injury prevention.

get your therapist to check lower back/gluts,can play havoc on the HS if problems originate there

Glute Ham raise on the floor is better than leg curls for that kind of eccentric stress IMO :slight_smile:

other than that - what about drop jumps?