Eccentric exercises and scar tissue.

Is it true that doing heavy eccentrics in knee flexion exercises such as glute-hams and curls actually breaks down scar tissue?

It is the first time I have every heard that particular theory.

I would imagine there would be better ways to brake down scar tissue. I have read that scar tissue is actually very strong isometrically, but useless dynamicly.

A physiotherapist once said to me to put the muscle through some intense stretching. At the time my left vastus lateralis had fybrosis.

But mainly, scar tissue needs massage, and it is a bit difficult to self massage your hamstrings.

Perhaps you could sit your hams on some lumpy objects and roll about, which seems to be all the rage lately in self massage stakes. I’m allways a bit tentative with that stuff though, fearing that I might cause more damage than good. Perhaps a few others could step in here, with there experiance of self massage and scar tissue. It seems you are not wanting to try the professional physiotherapist route for some reason, but they would probably be your best bet.

Thanks for the reply. I was visiting a physio who was quite good and he told me that eccentric curls would break down the scar tissue and re-align the fibres.
I sometimes roll around on a tennis ball for my hams alright and that seems to help, however it’s difficult to locate scar tissue on your own.