just curious what u guys think about dym speed squats? would they be good to use when top speed is the focus, just to lighten the load.
what does “dym” stand for?
dynamic speed squats
yeh most people call them dynamic speed squats i normally just call them speed squats.
What is the tempo of exercise? How it is done?
Get your speed on the track. Use the weight room for building strength.
How are you using them? What is the estimated working percentage? Are these an alternative to something else you were doing?
Personally, I’m not a big fan of speed [insert squat, bench, or deadlift here] for athletes. There are better paths to take in my opinion.
me either i was just seeing what others thought about the topic. i think they may be ok for fb players etc or people who dont get alot of speed work.
You can do dynamic box squats a day or two before a race in-season. Do you want to be doing heavy squats 1 or 2 days before a race?
If speed of lifting doesn’t matter, why not do super-slow.
i agree with you somewhat my man but i have done heavy squats for very low vol 1-2 days before meets and i didnt have any problems - thats if you do everything else correctly. “If speed of lifting doesn’t matter, why not do super-slow”. not sure what u mean by that comment, i just dont see any real reason to do speed stuff in the weight room esp if you are doing lots of speed work, jumps and throws - why not lift heavy weights but still focus on moving the bar as fast as possible ALWAYS!. i think there are some benefits of during really heavy weights at slow speeds also.
Yea you could do low vol heavy squats or moderate vol dynamic box squats before a meet. Probably would achieve a similar effect but the eccentric stress would be less on the box squat. At that point (day or two before a race) we just want to do whatever we can to get to the race in good condition (recovered, feel good).
Yep. Training need not be complicated.
the division between what occurs physiologically on the track and what happens in the gym is the greatest mistake that athletes and trainers make. im not going to go into that but simply there is a great great benefit to using lighter weights at maximal velocity in the weight room. you have to think what is happening to the neurology and how do i want that to transfer to my given event. so statments like leave the spped to the track and strenght the gym are pretty counterproductive.
ok what are those benefits??? bc i dont see much benefit if you are doing 300-600m of speed work, 60-100 jumps, 50-100 med throws three times per week.
ok for this to get through you have to start thinking about what is happening to the neurology during training. everything is controlled by the CNS this is why strength and speed enchantment does not always accompany and increase in muscle mass. training ballistically as you do with the dynamic method, fiber recruitment patterns are reversed, or at least that is the eventual training effect. you also can generate a greater force using lighter weights than you can with heavier weights as the acceleration is greater. the idea that the only way to become faster is to sprint and lift heavy weights is arcane.
im not convinced, u cant even come close to the speeds that you will be running at.
lol velocity is not the concern. your not considering the neurological ramifications of the methoidic. ask youself, what do i want my body to do when i sprint, and what do fast sprinters do that i cannot? now its a long list but one of them is rate of force development, rate of force development is greattly enhanced by iverting the normal recruitment pattern. im not saying that it is all you should be doing but it IS a valuable tool in developing an athlete. i think a lot of people want there to be one best way to develop skill but that is not the case. the basis of training is inducing a stressor and hoping that that sressor will produce the desired adaptation. stressor specficity can be very acute to the adaption desired. this is basic. external movement does not always dictate adaptive response, for example you can achieve high velocity muscular contractions by performing extremly slow movements. seems counterintuitve but if you consider the neurological motor patterns associated with this type of training you will understand the benefit.
James can you elaborate and or tell me where I can research on what you said about “iverting the normal recruitment pattern”.
Are you saying the size principal does not exist when using sub maximal weights with high velocities? I thought this was only the case with EMS perhaps with it bypassing the CNS.
The faster the muscle is shortening, the less force it can generate. The most force can be produced at negative speed, i.e. eccentric contractions.
I have seen people mistakenly using this as an argument for going deliberately slow. Less effort will always produce less speed and force.
I’m not sure that I said the only way to get faster is to sprint and lift heavy. There are many ways to skin a cat.
However, the focus in the weight room should be building stregth. The focus on the track should be building speed and technique. These are not the only components of training; we also have plyos, med ball throws, tempo runs, etc. A combination of these training means handles the neurological aspects of training quite nicely without the need for “speed squats.”