Developing Cross-Sectional Mass on Tempo Days

My Workout is scheduled something like this:

Sun/Wed: Speed/LB Weights
Mon/Tues/Thurs: Tempo
Friday: Tempo/Bench
Saturday: OFF

In an effort to establish the appropriate somatype, do you think that including weight training to develop cross-sectional area of underdeveloped muscles (8-15 reps per set) on Monday and maybe Tuesday or Thursday would take away from CNS recovery for Wednesday and Sunday? Have people included that in their routines with success?

Also, just out of curiosity, why is the (power) clean recommended over the snatch? I see the clean mentioned all the time here but find that a snatch without a significant squat for the catch to be easier than the catching the clean.

Why only 1 day of speed? what event are you training for?

More weight can be lifted in the power clean v power snatch. As a general rule heavy power cleans are much safer then power snatch.

2 days of speed and lower body weights - Sunday and Wednesday.

Hypertrophy weights generally have lower CNS load than heavier weights. Some people like John Smith do this type of lifting 4 days a week, but the volume of lifting is less to reduce CNS load.

You need to have enough recovery after weights, which is why CF does weights following sprints and others do speed-weights-tempo as a cycle. I would not be doing weights on the day before speed unless the volume/load was low and you arre sure you can recover in time for the speed session–I would not be doing supplementary weights on Tuesday.