True true, honestly though i just hate all the technical speak DB uses. Especially when other coaches go to great lengths to simplify things.
Out of respect its always great to reference someone. My friend did a streching lecture a few years back and he said " I learned this off Charles Poliquin who Learned this off paul Chek".He then put his own twist to that stretch thru trial and error (doing what works for him, NOT someone else).
DB ( I know, I know, he doesnt exist) works is not simple, but either is Siffs. Thomas Kurzs book is simpler but not simple. And everyone has their point of entry. When I first read Science and parctice of Strenth Training by Zatsiorsky in 95, I thought it was a hard read. Now that I have read it 50 times I know the book with my eyes closed.
I would probably say That The Charlie francis Training Principles was one of the all time easy to read, easy to understand, info packed book ever published. That also falls in to my "must have " catagory.
I think your missing the point and focusing on something that will be a waste of your own time.
You want to talk to DB? You want consultations onn his system? The fact that most of the coaches are charging in excess of $150 an hour ( I know one that says he charges 4600US an hour) makes this service unaccessable to most people, especially athletes who dont earn much.
I think I will have a better chance seeing Elvis…DB is a marketing ploy. Show me the money. Don’t attack THEONE or me because we ask to see DB Hammer. You tell one lie who knows what else unravels.
Im not attacking. I have spent alot of time with many coaches, big names and no names (just as good/knowledgable), have have cuaght them all talikng shit at some point on some topic ( usually their accomplishments, who they worked with, who stole their ideas).So buy this, once someone lies to me once i should cut this person off. has no one ever been lied too. has no one here ever told a lie. I thought so.
One thing is sure, according to his way of writing DB is not German, he is an American pretending to write like a European (emphasis on the etymological root of a word and change of “normally” used suffix) with poor results. And in his book he refers too often to baseball. A strength coach living in Germany most of his life would mostly refer to track and field, soccer, volley or swimming experiences, as he would barely know the shape of a bat.
When the results are good why lie? I guess DB Hammer attracts people who think it’s ok to lie since “everybody” does it!
Every time I ask for DB it’s the same BS.
He’s in Germany sick from dedicating his life to helping athletes have 900 pound benches
the secret Cobra Base was destroyed by GI Joe so elite athletes can’t train in private.
Consultations cost 4600 dollars with some elite coaches so it is unlikely you can talk to DB.
The Russian mob has a hit on him because he translated the underground journals and shared them with Americans in his greatest training book.
Tiger Woods is doing AREG while the Red Sox failed to pay for their license for DB’s program explaining how they couldn’t defend their world series championship.
Sounds like you lost money in the deal with DB? Did he secretly take you out to the wood shed and lay one on you?? Probably not, but that’s what you sound like. Are you kidding about trying to market himself? What examples are you talking about? He has a book…big deal. He sold consults…big deal. Don’t you market your stuff? Oh ya, the products you sell are free that’s right! Regeneration coffee mugs are free… right?! Come on man, don’t cast stones. Is he true? I don’t know? I don’t care! I have literally hundreds and hundreds of emails from someone who knows his stuff. I know you are all hung up on whom and what he does in his spare time, but I really think its relevance is no comparison to what he might (who ever he is) be able to share with us. If you look at Jay Schroeder’s stuff, do you hate him to? He must have no knowledge either. The worst thing this guy, who ever he might be has done is used a fake name. In no way has he ripped people off, stole information claiming it to be their own etc. If anything, because people question his existence, they have taken from him and claimed it to be there own. Seriously, there are books here on this site that the information first came out of Jay’s mouth or DB’s mouth first, with no credit. So, if anything the guy has hurt his own marketing. Do you see? Again stomp your feet about knowing who and why, and you are missing the point. Did he post free articles…yes? Have people followed them with success…yes. What’s the problem? I know honesty huh? This business is filled with honest people isn’t it? Clemson, you are bright, very witty, but sometimes you say the most classless things about people. Is there a problem with Mel being on my site, or do you hate him to? I want your shoes to walk on water!
Matter of fact Clemson, why don’t you call me so we can get together and we can really talk about Dietrich and the loads of stuff I have from him…or her or who ever. Then, you can cast all you want if you think it holds no water!
Regeneration coffee mugs are free… right?! Come on man, don’t cast stones. Is he true?
I have used every dollar from that site to go to sponsoring a sprinter that came to me hurt. EVERY DOLLAR earned by was to rebuild an athlete. In fact this entire site is filled with people I have worked with at the HS to professional level. Some have paid me some I have helped with $$$ because they deserve the chance.
Regeneration lab was open source and if you liked my free content you tipped me. Trust me, I didn’t buy a Ferrari from hats and mugs. Just a way to get a buzz going.
Charlie can attest my own money being spent sending sprinters to work with him. The results were fantastic and I will do it again in a heartbeat.
Wannagetfast, have you seen him in person?
Isn’t GI Joe trained by John Davies?
Sorry, $600, and no its not DB who cahrges that ( he doesnt exist remember).
No apolgy required i’m perfectly capable of putting 2 & 2 together; you originally said:
"Who the hell can’t help an average high school kid improve? "
as an attack on Wannagetfast’s credentuals, giving your own results; “One year out of high school I coached myself form 11.1ht to 10.67 fat. My jr. year in high school I coach my best friend from 21’ 4” to 23’ 7" in the long jump. My soph year in college I coached my girl friend now wife from 14.1 to 13.62 in the 100m hurdles and 25.74 to 24.4? in the 200m indoor," as an example implying (maybe unknowingly) that your results are a fluke (cos "Who the hell can’t help an average high school kid improve? ") and therefore you have no real ability as a coach. I highly doubt this is what you believe, and, infact i hope you belief you are a good coach and this is what produced your results which does absolutely nothing to discredit Wannagetfast. This is why i was sacrcastic.
If all the haters can forget about “DB” for a minute can we discuss the merits of, and the results from, the Inno-Sport team’s (Brad Nuttall, Christ Korfist & Dan Fitcher who do exist) methods, basing the discussion on coaches/athletes on this board’s experience, and by using our knowledge of training science? Or disprove any of it by way of practical experiment?
Why are people so scared by DB’s terminology? Or, maybe the better word is turned off by it? I actually think it helps communication lines when talking about different training means. We all know many people throw out the word plyometric training like it’s free to use in every sentence. What I like (right or wrong) is his way to differentiate different regimes of plyo work. ADA, REA and RFI are completely different. However all are needed in complete efficient movement. All can be considered plyometric. Ground contact time becomes paramount when discussing plyo’s. DB’s nomenclature handles all of these different movements and time for contacts. Why is that bad? Some prescriptions call for long contact times to load through the hip, others (RFI) call for gaining tension and letting go quickly. Both these methods can be utilized in sports performance, (just think about ground contact times for acceleration and max velocity) but when you just explain them as plyometrics, you lose the understanding of what the system requirements are. Both have a place. Again, if you can weed through all the who’s who, there is great stuff that is very usable to any system!
Actually the conversations I had with Mel about DB were great! He liked to liven things up on the site! Believe me Mel could make a cat believe he is a dog then change it back by the end of the day! Mel needed words that he felt through science textbooks could be explained. DB didnt have these answers. They do(his words) make sense if you think about what he was trying to explain. Again, right or wrong is not the issue… What can be learned about movement is important!
I’m not sure why people are put off by the terminology, all the terms used have been part of excercise lit. for time. Maybe athletes might not know of terms but any coach will be well aware of them. I agree that once you know the abbreiviations/initials they becoame a very useful way to catoegorise excercises more accurtaly. The break down of sports movements into the different actions is systematic and apperas to make up the building block of sports movements. This makes the system very good at identifying strength weaknesses in athletes and provides an efficent means to fix them, this i think is a big part of the system.
If Charlie’s greatest achievement was his work with high school kids would you be a CF community member. The answer is no for me. I would talk to one or two or forty of the high school coaches in my state that turn average high school athletes into college scholarship athlete every year. I am here because C.F. took a man to 9.79 over 15 years ago and he is willing to share how, not because he help 7035 athletes go from 12.0/11.5 to 11.0/10.6 :rolleyes:
That’s fair enough. I do however visit this community to get info frrom everyone who has some good ideas cos this is the best online athletics community (by far). I don’t even follow Charlie’s system but i most certainly take a lot away from it.
Charlies achievements are well known and respected the world over but I think people have to realize that just because you know about sports training doesnt mean that you will have people in front of you ready to do everything you ask of them, especially long term.
Charlies environment with Ben and others was perfect ( better than most), that doesnt always happen.
Not everyone gets the chance to work with athletes for say 4+ years. How many coaches have spent countless hours reading/studying long-term periodization concepts but have not been able to use it because they dont have long term athletes? Just because you have the knowledge does not mean you can apply (environment).
Coaching is teaching, if students are not learning you are a poor teacher. If you knowingly make things harder for your students to understand you are a “dumb A$$ teacher”. Unless teaching and sharing knowledge is not your real goal and maybe, just maybe, you are only trying to make a quick buck, then in that case you are a smart business man.
Everytime I have visited Clemson I have walked away with free useful stuff!!!
I agree with you about siff, zatsiorsky, kurz and verhoshansky, but with them i noticed that much of the language they used is the same. Probably because they all got their info from the same russian sources.
It just seems to me that the terminology that DB uses is so much different than all the others. Why would he do such a thing? He tries to make it all sound so new and exciting, when we all know there is nothing new out there under the sun.