Thanks Kelly, I really appreciate your help.
The thing is I haven’t been doing anything very structured, ever. This year I’v had to spend so much time studying for school that I just fitted in a weight session when ever I could.
I did:
bench press, 1-5 reps (basically as much weight as I could lift)
Squats, 1-3 reps
deadlifts, 1-3 reps
Chinups, 4-10reps
upper back exercise, 1-5reps
military press, 3-6 reps.
my pb’s for each: squat 95kg, bench 85kg, deads 115 kgs, chinup 10reps (bodyweight), upperback:not sure, military 55kg.
This may have been an decent program if I actually did it consistently and ate right and streched. But I didn’t. I’v now just bought colgan’s sport nutrition guide and zatiorsky’s book to learn some basics.
I’m now committed to eating right right so that shouldn’t be a factor. I’m now on a 3 month break from school. And next year I’ll have as much time as I need for my training. The pro’s if my ultimate goal, my dream and my obsession (thats sounds a bit over the top but you probably get my point).
My training history:
Well I started getting interested about improving my athleticism about when I was fifteen. Started off with calf raises and 1 legged dquats then few months latter did Air alert 2, not much gains but it helped me devleop a work ethic. Havent done any program or such since then, just basically weights, skipping, jumping around, adjustable rim dunking, ocassional sprinting every now and then. So basically not much structure but my trainaing got better as i got older and learnt more.
My current 2 foot standing vert is 30inches. Running 1 leg is about 33-34, running 2 leg is about 34 (can almost dunk 1 handed with reach being 7f8inch). These may be sligthly too high estimations, but should be fairly accurate. I think I’v got good fast twich genes but I don’t know if this effects my training methods anyway. I’v never really done any consistent, smart athleticism-improving focused training. I’v been doing a lot of research cause I’m now commited to devloping a smart structured program that will make me the athlete I want to be. But as you can see this is harder than at first glance. I’v also got to be able to do alot of individual skill training in the day, so I got to work this into my overall training in a smart way.