3 weeks
Speed: 12x20m (add one rep each week)
Plyos: 10xStanding Triple Jump
Weights: 2x4 squats, bench, pulldowns (add one rep each week) plus assistance work.
Core: 3 sets of max reps (add one set each week)
1 week unloading
3 weeks
Speed: 8x30m (add one rep each week)
Plyos: Sprint Bounds 5x8 foot contacts
Weights: add 5kg to last mesocycle’s weights and start at 2x4 again.
Core: Same as before but switch exercises.
1 unloading week
3 weeks
Speed: 6x40m (add one rep each week)
Plyos: Depth jumps 5x8
Weights: add 5kg to last mesocycle’s weights and start at 2x4 again.
Core: Same as before but switch exercises.
Back squats are being swapped for conventional style deadlifts, because I still can’t squat due to my knee injury.
Also remove 1-leg back extensions and shrugs (all of the above work, trap strength, erector spinae strength, hip extension strength and grip strength are covered by deads).
After two sessions (I had to take a 4 day break after the first session due to DOMS from new movements), I am going to remove standing triple jump from the program. I feel this is way too hazardous on the knees unless one has access to a long jump pit. I will be switching these for sprint bounds at the next session.
Also have been working on vision during these sprints. Its come to my attention that sometimes when I really kick into acceleration I have a tendency to look down at the ground ala the sprints. I have been practicing looking straight ahead, since in rugby I have discovered that the first thing you should do once breaking the first line is to look for second line of defenders (usually just the fullback) and react to them. Looking straight ahead increases my peripheral vision and I can see exactly where the fullback is. (If he is not in my peripheral vision, he is usually too far away to be of a threat anyway).
Currently using two different core exercises (supersetted with no rest). They are hanging leg raises and jack-knives. I try to maintain a strong TA contraction when doing jackknives, lower back always in contact with the floor.
I’m restructuring my plyo work for now. My knee is still giving me a load of trouble with bounding and exercises like that. I will swap these for 5x8 box jumps onto those reebok platforms (like that ones that nightmare4d was using).
I would precede the workout you have above with a GPP or acc phase of 3-4 weeks with one long hill workout and one shorter/powerful hill workout a week with weights the day after. Tempo is included as well but not too much.
For example:
Day 1: Long hills
8 x 200 meter with walkback recovery
Day 2: Lower body weights
3 sets squats
3 sets stepups or split squat
3 sets snatch grip deads or high pulls
Various assistance exercises
Day 3: upper body weights/core following by tempo
3 sets bench
3 sets bent over row or chins
3 sets standing barbell shoulder press
Core work, med ball etc
10 x 100-120 meter tempo
Day 4: short hills/plyos
2 x 4 x 40 meter steep hills
2 sets of depth jumps off box or bench
2 sets of pogo’s
Day 5: lighter lower body weights
3 sets front squats
3 sets high pulls
Day 6: tempo/flexibility
3 x 4 x 120 meter
Day 7: Rest
I would not include single leg bounding plyos until you are several weeks into your program. At first I would perform only double foot contacts like Pogo’s, depth jumps, squat jumps. Sprint bounds are awesome but get the other movements in first. Also at this phase do not complex train.
I would get rid of skull crushers and do dips (weighted if you can) bodyweight exercises like dips and chins are great assistance work. Dips closely resemble a running arm motion as well.
Dumbell hammer curls are good for assistance work as well where you mimic the arm action of running somewhat. (You dont curl the wrist at the end keep it straight like in running)