Dangerous Lifts?

I have never seriously touched a set of weights in my life. In the eight grade it was part of our curriculum to do a crash course in weightraining in which I learned how to do a biscep curl and a benchpress. That beings said, I have to do some weight training for the upcoming season. I was wondering, are any complicated or more advanced lifts I should avoid until I’m more experienced with my own capacity?

Also, I was wondering if there where any basic lifts I should be doing to help me get a better sense of familiarity with this really big heavy thing in my hands?

Does anyone have a link to a good lifting website that can give me the basics?

Dont attempt any olympic lifts until you have a certified coach or at least a coach who knows what he or she is doing work with you on progressions. Same goes for the squat.

What’s an olympic lift? What does an olympic lift do that’s so dangerous for begining lifters?
Same questions for the squat…


They are not dangerous if you do them correctly, so you have to get taught first. It like driving, its dangerous unless your taught to do it

More specifically:

I don’t know if I would agree about the squat, I think this could be learned over the computer as long as the progression is slow.

Ick, That’s a lot of muscles I’ve got on me!! That site scares me…
Now that I’ve got an index for different lifts, what kind of lifts should I do for my scrawny sprinter arse?

P.S. who is that dude in the shorts? He’s awesome.

i think thats a “dudette”