This is my friends resistance training program, he is looking to gain mass and maintain his speed. Right now he’s 6’3 185 with about 12% body fat…looking to get up to a solid 200lbs as a goal for now. He goes as heavy as he can on all exercises to where he will just finish his sets in the beginning of a workout and dropoff to around 8 reps further into the workout. He welcomes any suggestion, thanks !
Biceps :
Standing straight bar curl 3x10
Incline bench freeweight curl 3x10
Standing straight bar 21’s
Whats his sport? IMO theres toooooo musch volume and the order of the excrecises isnt optimal ie biceps before triceps
I would change it too (although Im a powerlifter but i used to do the bodybuilding malarki)
Triceps :
parallel dips 3 x 10
Close grip Bench 3x10
Legs :
Squats (free weight) 3x10
Stiff leg deadlifts / romanian deadlifts 3 x 10
Calve raises 3x25 - change this about often ie 1 week do 20 reps, another do 10 etc
I told him to just start power lifts and oly lifts. He told me he wanted to build up his body first. Hes in pretty strong now so I told him to just start doing his power training now and not wait. And that he should see some gains doing these lifts. Should he wait or just start now?