Critique my first training day!

DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness is always worse the later it comes on. If you’d only gone mildly overboard on day one, you’d feel it on day 2. As it is the slowness of the rebound towards the baseline spread the DOMs out to day 3. Lesson learned, I hope.

Yes, lesson learned. On another topic… what will I do once I’ve adapted to the stress of instense work? If I’m only sprinting 2 x week (Monday, Thursday) then what do I fill the two days between with? Surely I would not be doing extensive tempo on BOTH days… how about doing INTENSIVE tempo the day after speedwork, then extensive tempo the day after that?

Mon: speed/power/strength
Tues: intensive tempo
Wed: extensive tempo
Thurs: speed/power/strength
Fri: intensive tempo
Sat: extensive tempo
Sun: rest

How does that look?

Intensive tempo falls in the middle ground, so I’d avoid it.

Posted by charlie
Hopefully the second session (after you recover from this one!) will be a little more moderate and progressive.

I agree. Seems high for the first practive of the year. Why 30m, I would start with 10m… at 95%. It also seems like a high amount of striders. I dont think this will benefit your warmup. Jog two laps slow, followed by pnf stretching with maybe a little bit of ballistic stretching (depending on how you feel), followed by mach drills, and 2-3 strides or falling starts with spikes spikes on…

What do you do for recovery this could help us adjust the volume???


What do you mean by “middle ground”? And what if you are dealing with someone who wants to be able to run the 2 and 4 well in addition to the short dashes? Isn’t it a good idea to get an athlete conditioned to the lactate prior to SE training? Seems like that would help a lot with the SE runs!

What should I do for my second speed day, coming up tomorrow?

Obviously, I need to back off a lot on what left me so wasted on Monday. Here’s what I’m thinking: First, I’ll reduce my sprint volume from 210m (7 x 30m) to 100m (5 x 20m), and I’ll take 5 min recoveries instead of 3 min. Secondly, I’ll reduce the volume of PLYOS from 3 x 5 each to a single set of 5 reps per exercise. Thoughts?

if your doing 20’s instead of 30’s your recovery time should be fine how it was. rule of thumb we sometimes use here is rest for every 10 meters traveled.