creatin a program question...

hey guys when im doin like a bball program for skills or agility drills, can i write down in my notebook what im gonna do like the day before or u think i should design like a long term program for it. does it really matter? what im sayin is like instead of like u know how for weightlifting u design like a 8 week program, do i have to do that for basketball training or agility drills too or can i just write down what im gonna do the day before based on feeling and what i feel i need to work on

If you have to ask, then you need to work on bringing everything up.
plot out a separate plan for each component of what you need to develop,
and then ADJUST the plans as you go along, based on improvements and how beat up you get.

can you give me an example of what u just said please?

so ur sayin its ok to write down what im gonna do a day before instead of writing out a 8 week plan

when i used to play basketball…i would just play the game…and by myself i would work on dribbling and shooting…i would actually record bulls games and break down Jordans moves…write them step by step in a notebook…and do the moves…by myself outside…it worked too…i started movin on the court like Mike…had the fadeaway down too…noone could stop that…

but i would focus on ur ball handling…find every ball handling drill you can…dont ever be seen without a basketball…even if ur jus watchin TV…lie on ur back and practice ur shooting form

but i always thought the best practice came at the playgroud against people better than myself.

oh ok thanks…but do you guys think it would be ok for me to do what i just said to start the topic?

Without a long-term plan emphasizing different componants at different times you are setting yourself up for stagnation down the line.

ive designed one workout with a bunch of drills that ill be doing everyday…then when i got very good at one drill ill replace it with another

OK you need to stop extrapolating specific policies from general statements.

In general, you need to train all the pertinent components in every training block.

For basketball, as I understand it,
you should emphasize
Work Capacity
and in that order…

You can train a lot of different ways, put here’s how I’d plan.

Day 1: Full Court Pick-up game
Day 2: Upper Body + tempo
Day 3: Skills (specifically ones you did poorly on day 1)
Day 4: Half Court Pick-up Game (working in the skills you practiced)
Day 5: Lower Body
Days 6 and 7: off

upper body - just like the WSFSB template - ME exercise for 3-5rm, followed by back, triceps, and shoulder work.
Lower body - Deadlifts and Lunges, or Squats and hamstring exercises - all heavy and hard.
Ab work each time.

go through a complete warm-up - like the ones that Carl recommends in “The Superior Circuit” series at T-mag.

You all think WAY too much