Could someone help me organize these lifts

Preferably 3 days although 4 is fine

DB Snatch ( maybe power snatch later), hang clean, (plyo push-ups or some type of DE bench–probably not since my absolute strength is still pretty low)

(Lower)–Deadlift, Squat/box squat, front squat, split squat or some one-legged variation, RDL/GM’s
(Upper)–standing military, bench, incline

Chins, Rows, Dips, Close-grip bench, abs/core work/medicine ball
rotator cuff, grip work

What specifically are you training for?
How many other CNS intensive workouts are you doing in the week?

Basketball/football and then 400 M.

Track-wise, only 1 CNS workout a week.

Organising a training programme can be quiet difficult if you are not clear of your objectives.

Weight training programmes for sport should have two outcomes:

  1. increased strength
  2. Increased power

Exercise selection should ensure balance and I like the Ian King philosophy of Quad dominant (Squat), Hip dominant (Deadlift), Horizontal Pressing (Bench Press), Horizontal Pulling (Prone Row), Vertical Pressing (BB Shoulder Press), and Vertical Pulling (Chins)exercises.

Your initial priority should be strength. However some Olympic lifts should be also included using lighter weights as you develop technique. Later on the priority should change to Power and the OL’s will dominate.

Hope this helps.

Great post Gilman.

Ok, thanks for the info, but did you see the original post? Those were basically the lifts I mentioned. I wanted help organizing the lifts.

I like to keep things simple so here’s what I would do:

light powercleans and hang cleans focus on speed with good technique.
squat or deadlift - heavy with low reps,
standing military - heavy with low reps

Chins, Rows, Dips, bench, incline bench, close-grip bench, abs/core work/medicine ball, rotator cuff, grip work

Alternate the workouts.
Workout 1 is a CNS intensive workout
Workout 2 is a general strength workout

Originally posted by delldell
[b]Preferably 3 days although 4 is fine

DB Snatch ( maybe power snatch later), hang clean, (plyo push-ups or some type of DE bench–probably not since my absolute strength is still pretty low)

(Lower)–Deadlift, Squat/box squat, front squat, split squat or some one-legged variation, RDL/GM’s
(Upper)–standing military, bench, incline

Chins, Rows, Dips, Close-grip bench, abs/core work/medicine ball
rotator cuff, grip work [/b]

Hmm there is too much redundant stuff, your not going to be able to do all this in one week and still keep workouts reasonable in length and CNS in good shape, perhaps you could alternate between exercise on a weekly basis, which would enhance gains, as they hit the same muscle groups but from diffferent angles.

For me if I were to cram them into a week as much as possible.
pretty similar to what I do now myself :slight_smile:

Day 1 - snatch, squat, RDL, split squat, abs
Day 2 - bench (alternate between incline/flat/closegrip) > plyo-pushups complex, rows, cuff work
Day 3 - Rest
Day 4 - Hangclean, deadlift, front squat, abs
Day 5 - rest
Day 6 - Military press, chins, grip work, maybe dips
Day 7 - rest

you could swap day 2 and day 6.

switching between squats+rdls on one week and deadlifts+front squats on another is a good solution.

thanks, lol at your avatar…

Originally posted by delldell
thanks, lol at your avatar…

Definitely a Kodak moment :wink:

How would you periodize the programme you have written in this thread. How would you alter the volume and intensity?

Originally posted by Gilman Barnitt
How would you periodize the programme you have written in this thread. How would you alter the volume and intensity?

it depends :slight_smile:

I like conjugate style programming with loading and deloading superimposed over it.

So alternating between strength and RFD orientated means(heavier, although not actually heavy) and speed/dynamic strength emphasis(lighter and faster) weeks, adding in volume ramping over 3 weeks and deloading on the 4th then ramping up again over 3 and deloading for 2 weeks and PRing on the 3rd.

Plus large doses of instinctive training thrown in, you train to the framework, but alter it as the situation dictates.

My 2 cents, not that it matters, would be to have lifts setup like this, 3x a week:

Olympic Lift, Squatting Movement, Pressing Movement, 1 auxillary lift (if necessary)

If you do too many lifts in one session you are not going to be able to give your CNS a rest and it won’t be fresh when it needs to.

I say keep the lifts to 3, 4 max, and lift on your hard running/workout days.

Your post was interesting without saying too much. I as I’m sure other readers are would be interested in more details.

Give us an example of an exercise and what the reps/sets are over an 8-9 week period to establish a new PR.

Thank you.

Originally posted by Gilman Barnitt
[b]Your post was interesting without saying too much. I as I’m sure other readers are would be interested in more details.

Give us an example of an exercise and what the reps/sets are over an 8-9 week period to establish a new PR.

Thank you. [/b]

Well the sum of parts is greater than the whole, so it’s hard to get the full picture with one lift, ie every exercise is like a cog in the machine but I will try give an example.
squatting twice a week - back squat on one day, and front squat latter in the week, remeber both have different schemes, but I’ll show back squat.

Full back squat- all repetitions, are controlled downwards (no more than 2secs) and maximally accelerated upwards

week 1 - 70% 5x3

week 2 - complex - loaded full jumpsquats(45lbs) 5x3 (10sec hold at start of each set) rest 2mins squat 55% 5x2 - alternating

week 3 - 70% 7x2 , Isometric hold eccentric singles x 2 @ 60%

week 4 - work up to a new 3x3 PR (deload week)

week 5 - 70% + greenbands (tophalf only) 6x3

week 6 - 55%+GreenBands 3x2,
complex alternating - 70%+greenBands 3x2 + loaded quarter jumpsquats (25lbs) 3x3 - 10 sec isometric hold at start of each set.

week 7 - 70%+greenbands 8x3, Isometric hold eccentric singles x 2 @ 60%

week 8 - work up to a new 3x3 PR (deload week)

week 9 - complex - 4x2 - 40% to 60% over the 4 sets + full jumpsquats 50lbs 3x2 - 10sec isometric hold at the start of each set (still deloading)

Week 10 - go for a new 1RM PR

just an example based on some of my recent training