Confusion about hypertrophy

If an athlete’s required body somatotype is not in place (not enough muscle mass) should the athlete:

A) Use bodybuilding methods in place of CNS strength work (ie 10 reps at 60-70% intensity vs. 3-5 reps at 85-95%)

B) Raise the volume of low-intensity work on tempo days to build muscle while keeping CNS strength volume constant (I’m thinking adding in light DB presses, lunges, back raises, pulldowns) because low-intensity work doesn’t interfere with high-intensity CNS work.

How did Charlie approach it with his athletes?

There are just so many ways to build mass, not one way. I’ve tried the strength work on 5 consecutive days approach, but I found it hard to maintain enough protein in my muscles and came close to injury. Getting your “Anabolism” into gear with liquid protein and high carbs first thing in the morning is about 5 times more influencial than wether u do low or high rep sets for example.

You can also manipulate density in your workouts to affect hypertrophy.

ie: 10 sets x 2 reps of heavy backsquats (85% of 1RM) with 60 seconds rest between sets.

I find that workout is great for strength and hypertrophy :slight_smile:

Could you clarify?

in the morning you’re in a catabolic state and probably have been for at least a few hours. its important to get something into your system as soon as you wake up. i have a p&f shake even though p&c is probably better, just the way my schedule works out.

yeah I meant where’d he get this 5x from…unless you’re an endurance athlete, does it really matter? Just have some eggs and carbs, it’s not a big deal.

what is hypertrophy? and while i’m at it…GPP? I’m not sure of this abbreviation and have been reading it in loads of posts! :confused:

GPP=General Prep Phase (the first phase in a training plan)

Hypertrophy-Gaining of muscle (oposite of atrophy) Atprophy deals with the “Use it or lose it” concept

Cheers! That helps me understand a lot more posts! :smiley: