Weight followed by Plyo´s or Weight / Plyo´s / Weight ?
Talking about a session,
what about Squat: 4 sets (8reps + 7reps + 6reps + 5reps raising weight)
followed by drop jumping 4 sets of 10 reps for example ?
What kind of weights and plyo´s can be mixed in a session,
Squat, Bounding Upstairs, Leg Curl Dorsiflexion, Standing Long Jumps…
As we approach a competitive phase what should be better ? Stop complex train or just reduce the volume ?
I think a search of the archives may be in order here, not to mention a more in depth study about plyometric methodologies.
Somewhere, Christian Thibaudeau has a very nice post detailing why you should only advance to “advanced” training methods when you need it, not arbitrarily.
If a coach intends for an athlete to utilize plyo’s later in the programme I think some form should probably be introduced from the beginning (other than simple running), for the sake of technique and strength development. Plyometrics cover a whole rnge of different exercises from skipping to depth jumps and running to double arm-drive bounds, so theres really some thing to be gained at all levels of experience.
Chris, do you differentiate sprintwork from speedwork ?
Did backsquats + tuck jumps + speedwork all 3 in the same day ?
What was the intervals between, can you remember ?
Who might benefit from complex training the most? If you’re talking about an athlete who runs 10.00-10.25, does he need to learn to express his strength more quickly? Nice to be back.