Coach Tom Shaw

How good is Tom Shaw at coaching sport specific speed. He has been a sprint coach in Florida and is now a Speed Consultant for the New England Patriots. Has any one veiwed his videos or seen him working with athletes. I am after constructive comments.

I had his video never look back and he presented at a Speed Agility Quickness seminar in Texas. He is a very nice guy.

His video, Never Look Back, contains some good non-track facility drills, as well as common track exercises. From a technical standpoint, very similar to Speed Dynamics and Coaching Speed.

His work at Florida State with Terrell Buckley, Deion Sanders, et al is well documented. As Clemson mentioned, agility and quickness, specifically with non-T&F sports, is his forte. He knows his stuff!

Have you seen him work with athletes? Do you know if their are any injury patterns? Being the “speed” coach for our Patriots I am not convinced, if Deon thought that Tom was so great why wasn’t he working with him three years ago in Tampa ?(fitnecessity) I think he is good but what does he do that is special?

Originally posted by Clemson
Have you seen him work with athletes?..

During a Florida sports camp in '95. Majority of attendees were non-T&F athletes and coaches. We thought that his work in the area of PNF was quite good at the time.

Basically, the drills are similar in method and effect as those of Paul Souza’s during his elite session series. No specific training work bouts.