Ok… It is conditioning (but I’m wasted neurally by the end).
I try to vary the cycle with a lot of different stimulus. Have a look and see what u think.
wk 1
M cont. w/up 10 x 100m, sprint drills, 5x60m x 4sets (2min rec/5min btw sets)
T jog/skip 4 laps, hurdle drills, 10x100m (60sec rec)/Massage
W 5 min bike warm up (weights), pool tempox10, sauna/shower H&C (bench, upper body, stomach)
T rest/sick (feeling fatigued)
F rest/sick (feeling fatigued)
S cont. w/up 10 x 100m, 1/2 jump/ 1/2 sprint drills, depth jumps into pit 4hops+jump L&R, bounds, etc (x16ish), 6x100 tempo
S cont w/up 10x100m, 10 x 100m med ball throws, (weights), tempo 10x100 (squat, leg press, side/back extension)
wk 2
M rest (still feeling sick)
T cont. w/up 10 x 100m, hurdle drills, 5x60m x 3sets (2min rec/5min btw sets) (training spikes)
W 5min bike w/up, (weights), stomach 10x30/15 snatch, clean, auxiliaries
T cont w/up 10x100m, sprint drills, 3x100m (30sec rec) x 3 (3mins rest), Shower H&C
F rest
S cont w/up 10x100m, jump drills, 1x200,250,300,300,250,200 walk back rec
S 5 min bike warm up (weights), swim 400m, sauna/shower H&C (sore left soleus) (bench, upper body, stomach)
M rest (l-soleus still sore)
T cont w/up 10x100m, hurdle drills, (dlj over 4 hrdls run 40m dlj over 4 hrdls run 40m)x3 x3sets(10min rec)
W cont w/up 10x100m, (weights), (squat, dead lift, aux)
T rest, too fatigued and tired
F jog/skip 4 laps, 10x100m tempo up small hill w/walk back recov
S cont. w/up 10x100m, sprint drills, 1x150,200,250,250,200,150 w/3min strict recov
S 5min bike w/up, (weights), tempo 6x100 (snatch, clean, sldl l+r, aux, stomach)
M rest, spa/shower H&C/Massage
T cont w/up 10x100m, (weights), Sauna/Shower H&C (bench, upper body, stomach)
W cont w/up 10x100, sprint drills, 6x110m w/3mins recov up steep hill
T rest
F 1 hr surf
S cont w/up 10x100m, sprint drills, (40mtyre+40m no tyrex4 w/2mins recov)x2 w/7mins rest btw sets, 1x150 rhythm/cadence
S cont w/up 10x100, jump drills, 6x50m cont plyo circ (bound,hl,hr,hhshhs,dlj,sprint)x2 (10min) (75secs/75secs), (weights), tempo 2x100 (squat, dead lift, aux)
M rest, spa/shower h&c Massage
T rest/w/up, stretch
W test 30/60/slj/stj
T weights test (snatch/clean/bench test) Massage
F rest
S test 150/300
S weights test (squat/deadlift)