Clyde Hart on Training for the 400m


I think the “beeper” AthleticsCoach is talking about is some sort of timing clock that keeps the rest and interval pace exact.

Yes, that’s how they keep the exact pace in practice. I just wondered if there is any rule for meets

Ya, I would like to know myself. But, 1 question…Is this beeper a Metronome, where it simply beats every other second (or whatever you set it to) when doing exercises like sit-ups, and other calisthenics OR is it more like a Timer where you activate it when exercising-breaking?

IAAF Rule 144 - Assistance to Athletes

"For the purpose of this Rule, the following shall be considered as assistance, though not allowed.

(ii) use of video or cassette recorders, radios, CD, radio transmitters, mobile phone or similar devices in the arena.

Athlete giving or receiving assistance … shall be cautioned by the Referee and warned … he will be disqualified from that event."

Is that what you were looking for? Maybe the “beeper” will be considered as a “radio transmitter” or “similar devices”!

What are the rules regarding pace making? I know that it’s technically banned, but is still commonly practiced.

In a 400m would there be any real benefit of having a set pace? After all, there is so much variation in interval times - from over six seconds for the first 50m to low 5 seconds for the next two or three…

Vito, the beeper is just an electronic count down clock that goes off every few seconds to set the speed of a 50m segment. For instance if you are running 200m (made up of 4x50m segments) in 28 seconds the beeper would be programmed to go off every 7 seconds.

Sprint Coach. You mentioned that the drills were not included in Steves Oztrack site. Care to give a brief run down on them. For example I’m assuming the h’s are the high knee drill that takes place over a short distance with extremely short steps …

Hopefully this link will work:

This is the rather expensive commercial version of the device that Baylor has been using for years. MJ just used his wristwatch much of the time.

It would be cheaper to buy a generic Pocket PC and programme it with a countdown timer …

I totally agree with you, I apologise for lowering the standards on here. In the future if such personal attacks are instigated against me i will simply ignore them. :smiley:

Are these devices expensive? Where can you purchase them from?

You need to come to terms with the difference between an attack and an observation. At the same time consider the meaning of “instigate”.

DaGov, Athletics Coach included a link in a previous post. As I stated before, it would be far more effective to buy a palm top pc …

You can have the coach use an airhorn and stopwatch, beeping every 6 sec or whatever you need per 50m cone.

Thx! Does not sound like a beeping stopwatch, so maybe not forbidden.

I’m using a 35$ Casio stopwatch. It has a countdown timer you can set in the range of seconds and it has a function to run repeatedly (nonstop).

One problem is that I can only set it to full seconds for the 50m. If I set it to 7 secs it gives me a 56 secs 400m pace (too slow for me), if I set it to beep every 6 secs it would give me a 48 secs 400m pace (too fast fro me).

A perfect device for a race would be one to define a set of differnet intervall beeps…but I don’t thik it exists. But it’s so simple to write a script or program on a computer to do that - so any hand held comp small/light enough which can run a c program would do.

There are several stop watches that have interval timers that count down to the tenth. Very useful.

Cool! Could you tell me which model, please? Do you mean you cold really set them to lets say 6.4 seconds and the countdown runs permanently and beeps every 6.4 secs?

Yep, I’ll go find it later and PM you the name.

could you please post the name of the brand and the modle so we can all see

This is the way Clyde Hart puts up the season…

a) Off Season (Summer and Falk‑September through December) b) Early competitive Season (January‑ February) c) Mid Season (March‑April) d) Late Season (May‑June)

I´m confused, offseason in summer and so on, how would the diffirent phases be translated to the CFTS…gpp,spp,pre-comp, comp?

My season will looke like this:

(Europeén season, maybe that´s the diffirens?)
gpp:sep-okt (4-6w)
comp:jan-feb/early march(indoor)


Wich off Hart´s phases would fit were?

Thanks mohikan…

As an analogy I think this is a matter of square pegs to round holes. In other words Hart does not periodize in the manner which those who have studied Bompa, Harre, Matveyez, etc. do. The phases build and blend, and one of the key aspects is never running the athlete too deep into a hole so that you can always keep “topping off the tank.”

As for adapting this to a European season, I think that you can just shift the dates around a bit, and it should work fine.

Yes. You never go back to square one with top athletes.