2x30 stand
6x10, 4x20 bstarts
4x60, 30m maintain
med ball
overhead 4
squat 4
singlr hop 4
weight room
p clean. 4x4 185,185, 225x1, 185,185
I wanted to do 225x4 for 2 sets but I didnt have it today. I did it once then died out. had to drop back to 185
dead,-4,4,3,3 315,315,365,365
squat4,3,3 315,315,365
stif dead-3x8 135,185,185
6x10,4x20 bs
3x60m curves. The plan was to run 60 30fast 30 easy on the straight but the track was full of people.
med ball
sup man, overhead x8 and sand pit jumps
Spec end
2x300 1st one the stopwatch fucked up
on the second I ran a blazing 100 and had to stop due to both of my Achilles killing me.
2x45 sec weighted highknees on grass
weight room. I had a great day in here
pcleab 4,4,3,3 185,185,205,225, 250x1 I did one more set just to see since I was feeling it.
squat 3x3 315 405 405
good morning 3x6 135,185,225
push press 3x6 135
Had a speed day set up but the rain killed it.
Warmed up-then rain
went to the weight room and did pcleans-4,4,3,3,2 185,205,225,230,235
it got sunny so we then tried to run. That didnt work. The cleans killed me.
we did MEd ball overheads-18 and it rained again. I just said screw it and went home
doing a recovery week. gonna hit the track hard twice this week with lower volume
3x30 30,40,50 b starts
weight rooom
pclean-3,3,2 205,215,235
squat 3,3,2-365,365,385
dead-3,3 365,385
stiff- 3x6x225
tempo 10x200
incline 3,3,2 205,205,215
pull down and rows 3x8
3x30 bs
weight room
pclean 3,3,2 185,205,225x1 i had to leave I wasnt feeling good at all. very tired
10x200 tempo
bench 3,3,2 225,225,245
pull down and rows 3x8
weight room
bench 3,3,2 225,235,245
pull down
arnold press
row 3x8
3x200 2x100
speed day
2x10 2x20 2x30 2x40 bstarts
i felt good. fastest 30 was 4.00 fastest 40 was 4.80. The track we ran on is super soft so we never get super fast times. I am pleased with the times.
3x60 fef 20m
weight room.
I felt extra stiff in the weight room. Body was hurtin
pclean 4x3 185 185 205 205
squat- 3x4 315 315 315
good morning 3x8 135 185 185
Hand of course. We are struggling athletes. OUr times on that track have always been slow compared to the other track we use. that 4.00 30 would have been a 3.8 on the other track.