I was reading over your log, and I have a couple questions about your ankle problem… Did you have limited ROM into dorsiflexion with your problem ankle, or was it just the “clicking” noise and pain? Did you find anything that helped relieve pain before you had your surgery? I am asking because for the last few years I have been getting impingement on the front side of my ankles when I go into forced dorsiflexion, but I still have good dorsiflexion ROM. I haven’t gotten x-rays or anything, but because I still have good ROM I assumed that there wouldn’t be any spurs… the physio thought that it might be very tight soleus/ halicus flexor longus(sp?), making my ankles want to supinate and causing pinching in that area…
Bounding seems to aggravate them the most, so I try to limit that, just seeing if you had any advice, because I really don’t want to have surgery down the road if they get worse
You’ve gotta find out what the problem is… simple as. Go to a good physio and get a diagnosis, go and get an x-ray to be sure and go from there. If it is tightness then you can work it out… If it’s a spur it’ll likely get worse and so surgery may be needed, incidentally what you speak of usually has a quick recovery time…
Creatine 1.5g, Beta-alanine 1.5g, L-Histamine 1g
2x20m finishing drills (40 acc) grass
2x(5x60) acc 20m
90s/3mins… wasn’t very demanding… CV rather than lactic
Plyometrics 5x10 ankle bounces grass
Weights/MB 5k
2x8x130k RDL (off boxes)
2x8 overhead toss
2x5x180k Squats 90degree and below (acted as rehab also)
2x8 1 jump and diving chest pass
5x50k military press
circuit fashion
3x10x20k hyper complex
3x8 wide grip chin ups
Abs - 3x30second iso hold with 3k on ankles.
Whey, Snickers, Lucosade.
I have been looking over your log, but have yet a lot more to read.
I notice that you are just down the road from me at UWIC! I also noticed your 1/4 squat which is damn good!
Creatine 1.5g, Beta-alanine 1.5g, L-Histamine 1g
When do you take this eg( postworkout ) and what do you take it with eg( water, carbs, etc)?
I try and take it in 2 doses - 45mins before training and within the hour afterwards, with refined carbs (insulin spike). However, if I’m taking caffeine pre-workout I try not to take them to close to caffeine ingestion. There is evidence to suggest that caffeine severely dampens the absorption of creatine.
My daily doses of creatine are small (2.5g) and I don’t take it on rest days. This is the 1st time I’ve taken Beta-A and will need to wait awhile to determine the effects of increased muscle carnosine.
Incidentally I’m exited by a relatively new supp: Citrulline Malate… I’ll try it soon.
You from Cardiff? My campus is Cyncoed… train in NIAC. Live on City Road… oh the joy!
Creatine, Beta Alanine, L-Histamine
Basement tempo!
WU - Skipping-10mins
LI Circuit, 6k med.
10xmed ball burpees with chest pass (including a press up each time)+10xchest pass
10xMed ball swings (above head - between legs)
10xside throws (l+r)
10xHamstring bridges on chair (each leg)
20xhypers (with med b)
toe bounces up 50 stairs.
CF multi-pos abs x 300reps
skipping 5 mins
whey, creatine
EMS Recovery and Cappilarisation modes, calfs and feet
Warm-up + drills: Grass
Got coaching input again.
posture runs x 4: need to step over.
6x10m tripods (l+r): pushing off left better.
2x10m : 8 driving, Need to relax.
2x30m : 8 driving, then relaxed shoulders.
1x40m : Good and relaxed
1x50m : OK… not relaxed enough, needed to ‘wait for it’
1x100m blocks, 90% v. relaxed… felt good, only a little fatigue at 90m.
Weights, MedB 4k, Plyo’s
2x8x3jumps and diving pass
3x8x130k RDL (off boxes)
2x8 overhead toss
2x5x60k Jump Squats/Drop jumps
2x5x90k bench press
3x8x60k bent over row
Cramped in ham curls so did 3x8 GH raise
3x20x5k hand and feet sitting v-ups
Contast bath, 1min ice 2mins hot 1min ice 2 mins hot 1min ice
Whey, Snickers, Lucosade.
Creatine, BA, L-Hist
EMS After shower.
1st time cranking it up!
Warm up on pulsing max strength mode.
Then went on Mass mode : 8s contraction, 50s rest :eek: ouch! 5x8s each body part
Hams: 25mA :o
Erector Sp:40+
Abs: 16:o:o:o upper abs just couldn’t take it!
Quads: cramps… had to stop. Quinine next time
EMS: Capillarisation
Creatine, Beta Alanine, L-Hystamine
I havn’t been finishing tempo at the same pace I started of late and so I’ve dropped the intensity… I’ve missed a lot of prep this year.
Tempo grass,trainers. 17-18s
Tempo was laboured today…
Med ball x3
pushpass wall x10
side throws, wall (l+r) x10
Swings (between legs-above head) x10
Ham bridges x10
Reverse hypers x10
CF multiposition x 300 reps
Raisins, whey, Lucosade
Foam Roll.
Creatine 1.5g, Beta-alanine 1.5g, L-Histamine 1g
tripod start, 10, 20, 30, 40m
SE into wind… CNS is still a little down from Monday
1x120m 95% accelerated 40, maintained rhythm
80 abs reps
1x150m 95% walk back… accelerated right round the bend, kicked off the turn, maintained rhythm
80 abs reps
1x180 95% accelerated 30, maintained.
Good session - maintaining rhythm seems to be a good cue for speed maintenance.
Med Ball 5k
2x8 overhead toss
2x8 diving chest passes
RDL - 2x8x130k/2x8 overhead toss 3mins
Reverse leg press 3x8x5plates/3 jumps and diving toss 3mins
circuit fashion
2x6x50k military press/Bent-over row 2x8x60k
Whey, Raisins, Lucosade.
EMS Frequency - 95Hz
Hams - 10x8s contraction, 50s rec
Feet - 10x8s contraction, 50s rec
Glutes - 10x8s contraction, 50s rec
Spinal Erectors- 10x8s contraction, 50s rec
Quads - 10x8s contraction, 50s rec
Got much higher today… 60mA on the glutes… started at 25mA quads but got up to 40mA by rep 10.
Recovery mode to finish.
Micro stretching
EMS: Capillarisation
Creatine, Beta Alanine, L-Hystamine
Tempo grass,trainers. 17-18s
Tempo was much better today…
Abs Circuit
Dynamic braces x 30 seconds
Rehab 10x5s eccentric squats left
Med ball
Med ball
Superman pushes x20
lying touch above head to side, touch toes x20
split legs touch above head touch toes alternate x20
Superman, move around head x20
4x100m tempo barefeet
Raisins, whey, Lucosade
Foam Roll.
EMS: Recovery
Creatine, Beta-alanine, L-Histamine
2xtripod starts
2x10m block
1x30m blocks
2xflying 20’s (40 acc)
2x(4x60) acc 30m tripod
90s/3mins… much more demanding than last week!
2x10 bounds
2x10 hops right
Weights/MB 5k
2x6x140k RDL (off boxes)
2x6 overhead toss
2x5x180k Squats 90degree and below (acted as rehab also)
2x8 3 jumps and diving chest pass
circuit fashion
2x6x50k military press
2x8x60k bent over rows
2x5x35k modified ham curls (double contraction)
Abs - 3x30second iso hold with 3k on ankles.
Whey, raisins, Lucosade, apricots.
EMS 115 Hz, 10x8second contraction, 50s rest
4x100m tempo
Massage Much needed!
Calfs, hams, shins.
Really went to town as i’m resting tomorrow… lots of compressions. Went to hell and back :o
hurdle walk overs
3x10 walk overs
3x10 walk overs with med ball (5k)
3x10 over unders
3x10 over unders with md ball
Micro stretching
EMS: recovery
Basement tempo!
10 mins skipping, really liking skipping. Seems to work CV well and helps ankle elasticity.
Circuit x 3
Ham bridges x10
Med ball swings x10
90 abs
EMS 115 Hz 10x8s contractions
Spinal erectors
recovery stim
Felt really good today… bounced back after the massage.
Creatine, BA, L-hist
Speed Hot day, wind behind.
Got coaching input again.
posture runs x 4: good
4x10m tripods (l+r)
2x10m : 8 driving, Need to relax.
2x20m competitive: 8 driving, then relaxed shoulders.
2x30m competitive:
1x40m: Good, but needed to keep the focus beneath me from 30 - 40
2x100m blocks, 30 fast, 30 faster, 40 fastest
Really hard drill! Wasn’t relaxed on the first one… tried to force the fastest. 2nd was good, very relaxed. Let the legs ‘spin’
Very taxing sprint session, the hams got a little tight before the last rep…
Weights, MedB 4k Dropped the volume as the sprint session was so taxing (with wind)
2x5x60k squat jump 3mins
2x5x3jumps and diving pass
2x10xhyper complex
2x8 overhead toss
3x90k bench - but shoulder hurt so…
2x5x50k military press
2x10x seated row
3x30s iso holds 3k on ankles
Whey, Raisins, Lucosade.
EMS After shower.
Pulsing warm up.
5x8s 115 Hz Glutes, Feet, Spinal erectors
Left the hams out as they were sore.
Should probably add that I’m walking 40mins to the track and back at the moment… as the wether is good. It shortens the warm-up and acts as a cool down. It’s a good fat burner to!
EMS: Recovery
Creatine, Beta Alanine, L-Histamine
Tempo grass,trainers. Last set bare feet 18s
Feeling yesterdays session… major CNS drain with the following wind.
Med ball 5k
pushpass wall x10
side throws, wall (l+r) x10
Swings (between legs-above head) x10
Ham bridges x10
Reverse hypers x10
CF multiposition x 300 reps
Raisins, whey, Lucosade
contrast bath: 1min cold 2min hot 1min cold
EMS : recovery
Foam Roll.
Creatine, Beta-alanine, L-Histamine
blocks, 2x10, 1x30
SE 12 minutes recovery.
New Adidas multi-jump spikes
Still feeling Monday CNS wise
1x120m 95% 12.8s… this rep was good, but I was worried I was over cooking the intensity after Monday
80 abs reps
1x150m relaxed, stride length rther than cadence - Can’t run bends in these spikes! Had to slow it down. 16.8s
80 abs reps
1x180 relaxed. Again bend was slow, strided off it, 21.6:o
3x10xbounds grass. Good. Didn’t feel the knee
5x60k jump squats 3mins
6x3hops and push dive
5x60k jump squats 3mins
5x50cm drop jumps
RDL - 2x6x130k/2x8 overhead toss 3mins
2x6x50k military press
Bent-over row 2x8x60k
80 Abs
Whey, Raisins, Lucosade.
EMS - 115Hz 5x8s Spinal Erectors, Glutes
Recovery mode to finish.
Micro stretching
Quads and Hams a little sore
Tempo grass,trainers.
Forgot stop watch so + = 50m walk
hurdle walk overs
3x10 walk overs
3x10 walk overs with med ball (5k)
3x10 over unders
3x10 over unders with md ball
3x120 abs reps
1x10x5s eccentric iso holds left 7kmedball
2x10xslow sep ups left 7kmed ball
Whey+Carbs, Raisins, Lucosade
Micro stretching
EMS Recovery and massage pulses, Quads calfs feet
My suggestion would be to use the EMS Active Recovery program especially on sore muscles. That’s where you reap 50% of the benefits of a Globus electrostimulator: you heal much faster from the soreness (micro damage at fiber level), and spring back to normal training, thereby getting even more from the gains of the previous training.
I use this mode almost every day! even on rest days!
Warm-up. 4x20m blocks.
Electrical Storms, rain/hail, headwind, crap track - 11.33 :mad: lol. I won though so I did the job…