Charlie's or Different?

I am clear on the basic concepts of Charlie’s periodization, but Im not sure if this is it, or if its different form this.
AA-2-4 Weeks
GPP-6-9 Weeks
SPP-Heres where my questions are.

  1. Ok so your supposed to do a acc. dev. phase, then max V, then SE right?

  2. Well what about the inclusion of all three from the beginning but manipulation of order/rest times dictates what the work is considered.

  3. ie Day 1 would be 2x3-6, first set acc. up to 30m ,second set flying 30-50m, Day 3-2x3-6x60m, Day 5 or 6-Repeat day 1.

  4. So in say the acc. dev. phase, acc. comes first in the sets on speed days and on the middle day full recovery is used to that the acc. aspect is still worked because you are resting to full recovery.

  5. Then when the focus is on max V, the first set would become the flying 30-50 and again the middle day would qualify because of complete recovery.

  6. Then when satisfied with both, day 1 would be acc. 1st, and day 5(or 6) max V first so as to have a day where each is a priority but both are practised.

  7. Is this a plausible idea? Is this how Charlie does it, or does he stick strictly to one, then move on to the other while keeping enough of the previous one to build on it?

  8. Essentially Pre Comp would look like this as well, as with 55 to 60m sprinter SE is not a very important thing.

  9. Then during comp(races are normally Sat) Day 1(monday) would remain the same(acc. set first, then Max V)Plyo Weights and Abs, Day 2(tuesday) tempo and core work, Day 3(Wednesday) Do the first set Max V, then SE of 60m runs for second set Weights and Plyo, Day 4(Thursday) Tempo, Day 5(Friday) Rest maybe warm up, Day 6(Saturday) Comp.

  10. Is that how the comp. phase would look also(that week listed above being a peaking microcycle)?

Special endurance, not speed endurance, can be started early, I think 300m or above can be started when speed has been properly developed up to 30m for the season. This can be used as a general training method.

Technical maxV work can begin early as well.

But for work at actual maxV + speed endurance I think it is best to stick with the phases.

  1. question, whats the purpose of special endurance for someone who only plans on running short sprints(55 and 60). As well why is it set at 300m or more, I read that was an option, but it was really what the athlete was feeling would work for them best(obviously with in reason though, you know what I mean).

  2. Why stick with just the phases? I thought the idea was to develop all qualities just shift focus, and I think what I listed above covers that. By performing one kind of work first in the workout you are focussing on that skill and still developing the other. So switching order is what youd do to switch emphasis.

I think a lot of these questions could be answered by the DVD where you can see how the various speed elements are included and how they are progressed by manipulation of distance and acceleration. As far as longer special end is concerned, you’re right that it won’t apply to all, and you can work on all the necessary speed elements throughout by varying emphasis, though the top speed work must be controlled till all the prerequisites are in place.

1.It’s used as a general training component with specific benefits. It can help develop some of the components that sprinting can without providing a large amount of CNS fatigue. Thus it can be used by athletes who cannot handle speed work as well or to get volume in during the winter when it’s too cold to run a regular session. It can assist muscular development, technique development, work capacity, postural development, relaxation development, etc.

2.I think vertical integration refers more to speed, strength, hypertrophy, general fitness, and other such needs that would be periodized in block schemes. The reason that true maxV work and speed endurance are not performed until acceleration is complete is because they can’t be! During the acceleration development phase a higher level of acceleration ability can be reached which allows for a higher top speed. Once this is developed the capacity to hold this higher top speed must be developed.

Oops, I was typing while this was being written.

I think a lot of these questions could be answered by the DVD where you can see how the various speed elements are included and how they are progressed by manipulation of distance and acceleration. As far as longer special end is concerned, you’re right that it won’t apply to all, and you can work on all the necessary speed elements throughout by varying emphasis, though the top speed work must be controlled till all the prerequisites are in place.

  1. True, Im trying to save up some money so I can purchase the DVD. But is that the basic idea?

  2. For example, focus on acc. by performing it in a greater volume and first in workouts, with max V work being of lesser distance also(ie. flying 10’s and 20’s, possibly in’s and out’s)?

  3. Then do the opposite for when the focus is on max V?

  4. Also on special endurance days, if distances are short(60m) and rest is to full recovery, would that count as both kind of…?

Mostly true though you can work on the technical qualities of max speed work even at a sub max valocity, though as you say you can’t ADVANCE the max speed before you’re ready to accelerate far enough.

Ok, so minimal max speed work until acc. is developed enough, could ins and outs be used?

Ins and outs can be used (you’ll see examples when you get the DVD) As for minimal max speed work, I assume you are referring to the rate of execution rather than volume, as it’s the rate that is the main concern- though, as the key during the initial stages is acceleration, that must be considered when deciding how to divide up your CNS resources.

Yes, rate of execution, but I was also thinking volume could be sacrificed since the focus is acc., so say did 5 acc. reps, then after 3rd max v rep(not high rate of execution, more focus on technique and transition) the athlete isnt “feeling” it, could end the session and it would be acceptable since the focus is acc.

Sounds right

And then itd be just the opposite in max v development, except focus on full acc. rather than technique in order preserve it. Thanks.

  1. Ok so when one has gone through the acc phase, for the max V phase could it be structured with one day focused on acc and another focused on max v rather than both on max V?

  2. Because as acc. improves so does max V so technically you work on both, improving uppon the acc. qualities while working on max V because improved acc equals improved max V, and also the dedicated session to max V hits that type of work substantially enough to develop it?

  3. Or is it better to have both to acc., then both to max V, then switch to one acc, one max v?

You can still have different sessions but with longer accel distances (and lower rep numbers.)