Charlie ~ the ebbing of life and its effects on sprinting

Charlie ~ Would you be so kind as to clarify what are the untrainable factors (specific to the needs of sprinters) that decline the fastest as we age? Thanks very kindly!

recovery slows down

My first thought is that care has to be taken because not all qualities decline at the same rate. For example elasticity is lost before strength. Recovery also slows for all elements, so recovery related support activities become more important.

What age do you usually start to see a decline in this factors for athletes.

no earlier than 30-32

Interesting… so as long as one is watchful of those factors, and adjusts to compensate, the natural gradual decline of certain aspects need not (for a time) prevent one’s speed over a given distance from dropping too rapidly. And with the progression of research and subsequent improvements in training and nutritional protocols (that all run along in tandem over the course of time) one might conceivably be able to drag out one’s competitive tenure for quite a while (with a little luck too). Good. Hope floats :slight_smile:

Linford Christie was 33 years of age when he won the world title in 93 in 9.87 seconds legal time.
He was still the best in 94 at age 34 but no world championships or olympics that year to proove it.
In 96 at age 36 he made his third Olympic final and was disqualified for two false starts. He looked to me like he was capable of a 9.99sec and a 4th, 5th or 6th place finish had he not been disqualified.

wow that would suck to run 9.99 and place 6th or 5th in a race :wink: but i understand

I expect that if Michael Johnson were still in the game, that he’d still be posting some mighty fine times as well. ~ (Charlie, with the volume of knowledge and experience that you have, if you were to train for the sprints again, how fast do you think you could get ~ let’s say over the 100 ~ and over what duration of time would it take for you to reach peak form?)

I dont know about that with the advances in doping :wink:

Opting for a gentleman-ly silent response to the question, Charlie chooses not to toot his own horn, rather than to state the obvious truism: “Gimme 9months and I’ll toast a 9-point in the 100!” :wink: