What do you do for a mid/upper quad injury due to being over stretchedon the return portion?I mean after stepping down and the heel goes to the butt?
Obviously ice/cold soak in tub, light massage but what else?
When do I start jogging and easy stretching and light weights?
Quad injuries take longer and are harder to manage than hamstring injuries- and they’re harder to work around. You need to get some ART asap and stay off till the inflammation starts to settle down. you can work upper body in te meantime, but you might not be able to work on many ab exercises. Let comfort be the guide there. The ART therapist wil be able to give you a much better time frame for a return to running.
After that, get in the pool. Hydrotherapy is one the best therapeutic modalities. CF has mentioned this, myself and many others. Do a search for it here, there will be info.
This is one case where I’d recommend starting off the tempo on the track to prevent any chance of catching your fot on an uneven surface and irritating the quad. I’d still like you to get clearance to re-start from an ART expert.