CF and Crew HELP!!

Ok, Charlie after going through my Saturday morning warmup I decided not to race because the hamstring just didn’t feel right. I felt good up to about 20meters and just didn’t have that next gear and felt a little pain. I was so upset I couldn’t even rehab this weekend!

After calming down and talking to friends and family I have decided to give it one more shot at the local usatf meet this Sunday and will do all I can to get healthy and to PR, only bad thing is I will only have one shot (no prelims)!

This week’s training:

Mon: Track tempo
Tue: ACC/Weights
Wed: Tempo on the treadmill
Thur: Starts
Fri: Rest
Sat: Neural work
Sun Race

The key was to get out in one piece. now to get ready!

Charlie, I wasn’t able to race this past weekend. I had a similar injury years ago when I was playing football; I am able to do everything besides sprint without pain. When I got my massage a week ago he predicted that the injury would take 4-6 weeks to heal, so far it seems to be true.

Mon: Day 16
Tempo 6x100

Bad day felt a little pain while during the tempo runs, nothing more to say…

Tue: Day 17
2x15 face down
2x15 pushup
2x15 falling
2x30 3pt
2x40 3pt
Jump squats 3x5x65
Db bp 4x4
H pullups 2x6

Very good workout today, little to NO pain and could actually ACC over 30-40m… Tomm will either be another track tempo session or a incline treadmill walk.

Wed: Day 18
Incline tread walk 20mins
Several sets of situps and hypers

Nice relaxing workout!

Thur: Day 19
Full warmup
Jump squats 3x5x55
Bp 2-3x1

Overall not a bad session, first time performing barbell bench press in 12-14 weeks.

I have two more speed workouts before my race on Sunday evening, still not 100% sure if I will race mainly because this is my last indoor race and I feel like I’m not in PR shape so what’s the point of risking injury and ruining my outdoor season.

The plan for the next couple days will be:

Friday: Rest
Saturday: Neural session
Sunday: Mock prelims in the AM/Finals in the PM

Any ideas on the mock prelims??

Fri: Day 20:

Sat: Day 21:
Heating pad 10mins
Full warm-up
3x20 3pt
Tuck jumps x5
Alt bound 2x20m
MB throws 2x5

Overall very good workout, the first sprint was kind of tight I think because I don’t know what to expect from the hamstring but the second and third sprint was great.

Can’t get access to a track tomm morning, instead of during very easy starts and fly’s like I usually do, I will perform 2x30 30pt timed and 1x60 submax with 30-35m intensity limit.

I already perform one session of EMS for 30mins with 30mins of ice, will perform easy foam rolling and heat cream tonight…


Keep everything sub max to give yourself the best chance to be ready. you might be pleasantly surprised

Please tell me if this is a good idea, I was told to perform 2x30 timed and 1x60 at 85-90% before finals during my warmup since the meet is a finals only race?

Also would you recommend any MB throws during the warmup?

good luck tomorow man!

Game day decision. 50 bucks entry fee, I better be healthy. :slight_smile: Thank you BTW…

Bump for charlie…

You can do the MBs but I’d keep both the 30s and the 60 slightly sub max to work on form- the difference may be marginal but it will help with the final- think of running a heat against extremely light competition

Thanks Charlie, first time competing in a finals only race so I am trying to find ways to stimulate the CNS and prelims.

Once again thanks for all the help!

I am performing a short ems, heat, strecthing, and foam rolling session before taking off. The goals for today is to leave the meet in one piece and to equal my time from the last meet.

The meet went really well considering I had no competion, no races/workouts the past three weeks and final only race. I didn’t know what to expect from the hamstring but it felt ok in warmups, still didn’t want to push too much; came out hard for about 30m and bought it home. Wish I had one more indoor meet because I have no doubt I would PR! The next two days will be rest and i will finish the week with easy tempo and sled work, I have about 4 weeks till my first outdoor meet.

Would like to thank Charlie, Number2, and lkh for helping me out.

Well done. Sometimes you just need to hang in there.