Can you wrestle hard one day and then the next day sprint?

Yesterday I did tempo and did Brazillian Ju-Jitsu hard. Brazillian ju-jitsu is submission grappling, so basically I wreslted hard with different oppenets for about an hour. Wreslted all out tyring to submit a oppenent(rolled is what we call it) a total of about 10 times with 3 different people. Does anyone know how stressful this in on the CNS? Is this something I will have to figure out based on my own trial and error? Anyone have any experiance with this? Can I sprint today?

The best way to see if you are ready to sprint is to see how you feel. I am sorry i can’t give you any more specific response.

In my experience with groundwork (Hapkido), i would say it depends on how hard you go at it. In hapkido, we are encouraged not to brute force our way into making submissions (although that rarely happens :slight_smile: ), which would decrease the recovery load a bit. However, we are also encouraged to strike in the grapple, which i haven’t heard of other groups doing, and i know that doesn’t help recovery . I personally use my martial arts classes as tempo work while working the speed and endurance aspects of my techniques on the same days as my track workout sessions.

Check up your morning, awaking pulse.
If it is more than 5-7 beats off from your regular pulse, most likely you are a bit overtrained and should consider a rest day.
This is the easiest way without doing some blood-work, etc…


Haven’t you asked this question before? Anyways, with BJJ if you are wresting 10 different times the intenisty is not maximal at all. I had a hard session of BJJ yesterday and there is no way that I could do a sprint workout today mostly because I am slightly dehydrated, but my muscles are still fatigued, but not sore.

Understand this…you will not be a fast sprinter if you are also doing BJJ. That is the bottom line. Both take years to develop even when you are focussing on one only. Sorry bro. Jack of all trades but master of none is what comes to my mind when I read your posts.


Yeah I have asked a question similiar to this but it was not the same. There’s this guy named Jay White who owns the school I went to for BJJ over the summer. He became excellent at BJJ in an incredibally short time frame though. Relatively it didn’t take him that long to become really good at bjj.


I agree, you can’t be the best at both. However, with that in mind, i you watch the intensity of the groundwork, it is possible to do both. I am not a BJJ person, so my experience is different (i have seen some serious overtraining among BJJ people, however).

Would an option (of course not optimal) would be to do your groundwork on your workout days rather than tempo days? I do this to some extent with putting sparring (striking and groundwork) on my SE days about 4-6 hours after the SE session. I am pretty sure that sparring after a speed day would be asking for an injury, but would sparring after SE be useful for a sprinter/BJJ person?

I cannot see the 2 sports work together. However, if you truly want to do both, save up some cash and buy some consulting time with Charlie. It will be well worth it.