calf strain or rupture recovery.

Last saterday after 50 meters in a 400 meter. It felt like a “pop” in my calf.
so I iced it, and streched it.
The whole day i coulnd not stand on my leg.
now 5 days later I can only walk.

my therapy:
day 1 icing strectching(that hurts like hell), not able to stand on the leg
day 2 cooling(water 3x 30 mins) strechtchig and walking(sort of its more like limping) start of fysio therapy: elektrotherapy 2x a day.

day3 fysio, cooling stretching walking, i can walk without heel support, but it stil hurts when walking.
start some excentric calf training. It hurts but what else could i do.

day 4 agin much cooling , fysio, excentric calf excersizes throughout the day. walking doesnt hurt. I am only stiff(my calf) in the morning, so it hurts teh first 5 minutes when i stand op out of bed.
now is day 5, i think i got a reaction on my hard work from yesterday. My calf hurts like hell when i come out of bed. But after cooling and some mild strectching the pain is gine. Today i will not do any hard treatment for tehe calf, just some cooling and very mild stretching.

I hope i am able to some good excentric calf excersizes before monday, so ia m able to jog within a week.

Thats it.
Any comments and tips on recovery, please add them.

Dear Pindaman,

   You should neither stretch nor exercise an acutely injured muscle. While trying to heal a muscular injury, any activity that causes pain or discomfort needs to be avoided. 


well day 6 and 7 have past and they were BAD!
very mucht water retaining in the caff.
I didn’t know it could hurt that much.
so i had a bandage on it, als took some ibuprofen.

now on day 8 i have no water retention…phew.
walking is ok. and also very slow jog/shipping is possible(just tested it, didnt do a workout)

tomorrow i am starting with pool workouts as a training alternative, also i am going to do some calf exercises. + loads of gymwork and stretching and fysio.

day 9: morning stiffness in the calf and still sensitive on some places. Stretching is going well, and also i can do some good strengthening stuff for my calf.

day 10: little morninng stiffness, but overall no reaction on yesterdays worlout.I just did some running drills and some light jogging. that was it for the legs… lets see what tomorrow brings.

the recovey took faster than i thought. i was expecting at least 2 weeks before i could do some jogging, or strength work for the calf. I really hope i can run again within 2 more weeks.