BFS Program

how was the speed stuff in the book,bc many SC dont have a clue bout it.

Looking through the book again, it mainly focuses on lifting program design, weight lifting exercises (squat, olympic lifts, etc), ballistic exercises (throws), and plyometrics. There isn’t really much about sprinting or running.

thanks man.

Are you guys sure Doc Kreis was at JMU? I don’t recall him ever working there, and his bio on the UCLA web site neglects to mention it…

As for his book, I believe it has some valuable information for the beginner to help map out a program, although I must mention that the text is a bit dated now…

All in all though, he is certainly one of the best!

yep when cu fired him from having too many shoulder injures

Look, I’m not trying to be a wise-ass here, but I really do want to know when Kreis was at JMU.

This is paraphrased from his bio on the UCLA site:
2003-pres. UCLA
1993-2003 Colorado
1986-1993 Middle Tennesse State U.
1985-1986 ran own business
1980-1985 Vanderbilt
1978-1980 GA Southern
Graduated Clemson in 1976…

Wait, I think I am going insane. I believe it was Fred Hatfield’s son who coached at JMU (95-97). He was the one who recommended Doc’s book to me. So I guess Kreis was never at JMU. Sorry about that.

Where is that hi-low manual? I remember seeing it not that long ago, but now I can’t remember.

Thanks in advance.

Hi-Low manual? James Smith has one. You can get it at elitefts I think.