bench vs squat

If I am capable of squating 135kg at 75kg bodyweight, how much should I bench in order to be still in proportion?

Not really sure if there’s an exact proportional number where you should be at… Me, for example… I weigh 170 lbs.(77.2 kg) and I parallel squat 370 (168.1 kg) and bench 260 (118.1 kg)… I think I am in fairly good proportion as far as numbers go, but then again, numbers don’t really matter when it comes down to the main goal of getting faster.

I weigh 75, can squat 135 but bench only 85.

I think I must bench round 100kg to be in proportion

As long as you are getting stronger, that’s all that matters.

In regards to lift 1RM’s relative to bodymass, I feel that there is much to be recognized prior to formulating an opinion as to what is proportional or not. The exception of course is that it is in the interest of any athlete to achieve structural balance, and then proceed to specialize and possibly accentuate the development of certain muscle groups relative to the sport.

Following are some factors which play a very important role in many lifts:

lever length
tendon insertions/lengths

In the end, and all things equal, and with respect to squat and bench, I feel that most power/strength development athletes should aim for at least a double bodyweight parallel squat, a full squat in excess of bodyweight +200lbs, and some athletes should aim for a bench in excess of bodyweight +100lbs

Here is an article from one of the top rugby coaches here.that may be of interest, 1kg = 2.2lbs.

[i]The emphasis in many strength training programs for sports is the use of ground based, closed chain, multi planar exercises. This being the case it is surprising how much credence is given to the testing of the hamstring to quadricep strength ratio via an open chain isokinetic testing devise such a s a Cybex. In many sports the strength coach is more concerned with the hamstrings actin as a hip extensor primarily rather than the other role of knee flexor. it would appear then that this test is redundant as a performance indicator although the test is essential as a rehabilitation guide and flexor strength indicator. I prefer to look at the loading relationships between various exercises as an indicator of muscle balance. Some authors have suggested that there is a 70% relationship between the Power Clean exercise and the Back Squat. Obviously, sufficient technique work has to be performed before this relationship will hold any credence. I think is a good place to start from with the assessment of muscle balance from an array of different exercises.
The front squat should be 70 - 80% of the back squat, this will ensure that the trainee has the confidence required to stand up with whatever weight you can clean. The clean grip should be used to ensure that the catch phase of the clean is reinforced. The power snatch should be 70 - 80% of the power clean. This may be quite challenging and will require the trainee to spend time in mastering the snatch technique. The military press and power snatch should be almost equal and in relation to other pressing exercises the military is 60% of the flat bench while the incline bench is 80% of the flat bench. To ensure the hamstrings, gluteals and lower back muscles are in balance with the legs the following should be close to the mark, deadlift 150% of power clean and the good morning at 50% of the back squat. With these ratios as a guide the coach can with some degree of accuracy predict the weights that players should be using in a number of the major compound movements. The previous relationships have been gleaned from five years of strength training a number of professional rugby league teams competing in the National Rugby League (NRL) competition in Australia and New Zealand.
For example a player tests on the power clean movement and cleans 120 kilogram for a single rep, the athlete weighs 96 kilogram, the table below represented the relationship of the other exercise poundage back to the power clean weight . The power clean is used here as an example since it is frequently used in NRL teams testing protocols.

Power Clean 120kg
Power Snatch 84kg
Back Squat 170kg
Front Squat 136kg
Deadlift 180kg
Military Press 84kg
Incline Bench 112kg
Flat Bench 140kg
Good Morning 85kg
Overhead Squat 102kg

Obviously, there would need to be some adjustments to these weights based on the level of technical ability, but I think it is getting close to some ideals such as approaching a double bodyweight squat and 1.25 BW power clean and 1.5 BW bench press as minimum strength standards for experienced players as long as the other ratios are maintained. The table may also show up deficiencies in some exercises where players may spend a disproportionate amount of training time on certain exercises and not enough time on the other core movements.
I’m not saying that these relationships will hold true for all athletes in all sports but it may be a good starting point for the development of sport specific strength guidelines and realistic training goals. Giving athletes something to aim for is extremely important for long term training motivation.

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