beg. master sprinter/seeking advice

age 34, wt200, 8% BF,

need work on Max strength (just got over a 2 year battle with hip & knee injury)

My first race I pulled my biceps femoris, grade 2, last sat. june 11th

Goals : compete july 10, july 24th, aug 6th (just looking to compete healthy & get base times to setup goals & program for next year)
50-60m& 100m aug 6th is last race of season

Mon: max v/top speed & max weights/plyo
4 x 30m +20m rest 4min, reps & sets?

tues: tempo 6x100/90sec rest (on grass) & isometric core
5x100m 1.5 rest

wed: speed end / gen strength/mobility
2sets,3x 60m rest? 5-6min rest?

thrus: tempo ( on grass) & isometric core
same as tues?

fri: accel, block work max weights/plyos
8x10m (work my up as hamstring gets stronger)rest? reps ?sets?

sat: pool tempo (6 days on my feet? im thinking i should go 5 but not sure how to set it up) maybe make thurs pool tempo only an make sat gen strength/mobility work?

sun off

Im doing this till my ham gets stronger then switching to 2 days a week till I can handle 3 days. My reasoning? I cant put out alot of force so my CNS doesnt get stressed so i can do 3x a week. Once its strong i can stress my CNS an will go down to 2 days a week? am i wrong in this thinking?

2x a week massage, 1x week soft tissue, after m,w,f hot/cold contrast baths, M-S cold bath after worlkouts

Im good with strength, plyo work. Im just new to sprinting programs

Looking at your profile-

How much endurance training or competitions (including cycling and swimming) have you been doing lately or in the past?

Once you get better… And you can handle more, for monday you should throw in some build ups out to 60m. The way I like to do these is to, build up accel up to 40m then maintain the last 20m or 20m fast 20m easy 20m fast. IF and only IF you can handle it I would get your speed sessions up to 400-600m. Wed’s speed enduarnce will eventually need to get up to at least 2-3x3x90m. The 90m work out is KILLER. So build up to those disatances gradually. I was doing SE sessions of 60m then I moved up to 70m now I do 2x70m,80m,90m. Fridays work out can be added to monday but, instead of only 10m go out to 20-30m as well. Now, this is alot of volume so once competition rolls around I would reduce this volume similar to how you have it now. Hope this helps.

good luck!

Hey Triguy, I’m a master sprinter too! I like the short accels and the tempo work, but I would be careful with the max velocity and the speed endurance until I was healthier. What we have found with older guys, is that yes we can go pretty fast while injured, but ultimately we are over compensating with the good side and wind up with injuries to the good side.

Read the ultimate hamstring thread and try to follow those recommendations.

thanx guys

tom, 30-33 (age) I did 15 or so tri’s/ sprint distance. couple criteriums & TT’s(cyclings). why you ask?

Going back to sprint work especially after large volume of cycling is a tricky proposition.

Cyclists are notorious for not having more flexibility than is required to sit and pedal fast.

Repetitive motion in a shortened range of motion is not exactly conducive to sprinting fast on land.

As for the other endurance activities I would question the amount of CNS stress you could handle from the speed work and competition and adjust the volumes and distances accordingly.

I have not trained for endurance in 2 years, since then I corrected alot of the dysfunctions you touched upon due to doin tri’s. This past year I was training for vault an the past month sprinting has caught my interest. It took that full year to correct some things, tight hams, tight low back and flat back.

nycjay01 what would the rest be in between sets & reps? “2-3x3x90m”

well today i SLIGHTLY restrained my ham during my speed end session. I woke up with my ham feelin good! So i figured Id hit today with a speed day. WRONG IDEA! I should of listened to nikoluski when he advised me to go 2 days speed/3-4 days tempo. Guess its hard to admit you dont recover like when your 21! Im droppin down to 2 days a week

Mon top speed/accel/weights /plyo
tues tempo (grass)
wed gen strength/moblity
thurs speed day? speed end? weights/plyo
fri pool tempo
sat tempo (grass)

  1. is it ok to have wed b4 my speed/weights day?
  2. pool tempo (deep water or chest high “feet touching”??)
  3. how would you guys structure it?

thanx guys

Hi Triguy, I’m your age - similar plans, but no “endurance background”.

I always lifted weight, so strenght is not my problem. Explosive power is. As a result I dropped most of weightlifting and do Med Ball work instead.

If you are only used to “slow” endurance-based runs probably explosive power is an issue for you, too. Maybe not - one friend fo mine stopped TRI and in his first 100m ran a elec. 11.8x out of nothing without real sprint training which surprised me.

I reduced plyos to a minimum (of 20-40 contacts per session) because I found the “plyo-effect” of real sprinting works better (or call it enough) for me.

If you want to compete in a few 50, 60 and 100 and do not bother about 200 and 400 I’d say don’t worry about Speed Endurace. Serious SE is the most exhausting thing you can do (besides deadlifts) :wink: :wink:

All I can say: my old body does not tolerate these volumes (like 3 days speed/weight, 3 days tempo) - it took me 2 years to find a level that does not lead to fatigue after weeks of training.

top speed (with flying runs) might be a thing you want to develop most - if you do not risk injury doing so.
I mainly do 30m runup and then 3, 4 or 6 secs in “top speed zone” with a beeper.

So distributed over three days I do sg like accel. or top speed, very basic plyo, weight (very little like 3x6rep bench, 3x12 pullups) and med ball (or shot) throws, core. Always long worm-up and cooldown.

Just my experiences - might not apply to you, with that strong “endurance” background.
All I can say for sure: always be aware of how your body feels and ajust according to that. Don’t force yourself to fulfill a plan only because you set it up but it does not make your body “happy” :wink:

Maybe one day we’ll meet at a masers WC, but I got a lot of work left to deliver a competitive performance (maybe I rather switch to 400m…) :wink:

Mon/Thur seem ok!
As for Wed, it depends on what you mean by strength/mobility; if it’s low intensity, you should be ok (e.g., hurdle work for hip flexibility). If the intensity is so high that disturbs next day’s track session, drop either intensity, or session.

Another option might be doing lower weights on Mon/Thu and upper weights on Tue/Fri especially if you think that this is a weak point of yours and you need more work. Otherwise, full body workous on Mon/Thu.

Plenty of tempo, stretching, etc in between…

PS I would still go with one of the sessions being Speed Endurance even if it’s only a 100 m race your main focus, as initially you can gain more from this vs. Acceleration, or Top Speed.

thanx aut_71 masters WC 06’? we’ll see what my 100 time is first lol

NIK, the strength/mobility is low intensity. Their are some movements which my body needs but are to low intensity & volume is already full on weights day so i put them in wed gen strength/mobility day. Im gonna do the mon/thurs. I like the speed end day & accel/top speed the other day idea. Im confident in my top speed but not in my speed endurance.

thanx NIK

Well, usually the standards for M35 in masters comps are not so high - people go there for fun mainly.
If you can run in 11.50 range consistently you won’t win, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, not even in WC.

How is your top-speed? I still can’t break the 10 m/s “barrier”. So I do not worry about decelerating in the later stages of a 100m race…on the opposite - on the last 20m I usually gain ground - even against faster guys…

BTW: 2006 there will be Masters Indoor WC in Linz, Austria, outdoors “only” European Masters Ch. in Poznan, POL, 2007 Masters Outdoor WC in Riccione ITA, in 2009 Masters Games in Sydney…

Mon top speed/accel/weights /plyo
tues tempo (grass)
wed gen strength/moblity
thurs speed end weights/plyo
fri ???
sat tempo (grass)
sun off

  1. what could i do on fri?
  2. how would you guys structure it?

thanx guys[/QUOTE]


Depends on time of year, but I’d probably put in tempo (grass) on friday and then do some special endurance on Saturday. Maybe something like some split 300s or 2-3 150s.


If you’re going to do 2 speed/speed end workouts a week, I would move thursday’s workout to friday and do tempo on thursday. I would think most others here would structure it the same way, as I don’t think two back-to-back weight/strength/plyo sessions are particularly useful.

Also, this being GPP season, I would start out with hills instead of speed endurance (see the GPP DVD), and when the acceleration ability is in place, replace the hills with SE II as split runs, reserving speed endurance for later in the season.

Good points. I don’t think I get exactly what the Wednesday work is, but you wouldn’t want speed and strength work on consecutive days as pointed out in the previous post.

If you are in GPP like most of us this time of year, you probably want hills two to three times a week with tempo on the days between. Later in GPP, you work in some acceleration work on the track (10s, 20s, 30s).

Thanx for your guys input.

wed : gen strength/mobility is really doing some excersises that my body needs but dont fit in the speed /power spectrum as thurs does. I look at & do wed workout almost as a “tempo” day. Nowhere near the stress & fatigue a thurs will bring.

NEW program

mon: top speed/max strength/plyos
tues: tempo
wed:gen strength/mobility
fri: hills/max strength/plyo’s
sat tempo
sun off
…thats 5 days on my feet? im thinkin my achilles may not like it

also only 2 days rest till max speed & strength on mon???

If you start having problems, you could just replace Wednesday with another day off. You already have strength work on other days, so you could probably skip the Wednesday session if you need more recovery.

If you take off on Wednesday, you might restructure the week this way – knocking out a tempo workout…

Mon: top speed/strength/plyo
Tues: tempo
Wed: off
Thurs: hills/max strength/plyo
Sat: strength/mobility
Sun: off

what type of plyos. You may not need them since you are sprinting, wich is plyometric already…