beg. master sprinter/seeking advice

Thanx guys! Great advice!

looks good! I hate takin 2 days in a week off BUT I am 35! :frowning: so i guess i just gotta do it!

Im gonna do a log this year so ill keep ya guys updated!

nycjay01 good point! im still debating on how much if at all I should plyos.

To be on the safe side cut out plyos (or plyros as some call it) and add more tempo… At least you will be leaner. I am the same age group as you. For wieghts if you are lean and muscular keep the routines focusing on power if your soft try to do some body building then when your in shape focus on power.

Beg GPP phase
mon: hills/strength/med ball
5 x 10m
5x 20m
5x30m why do we increase distance? instead of decrease distance?

should i change hill angles mon & thurs or keep the same? shallow on 1 steep on the other?

another ques: this sprint workout took 40min (1min rest per 10m) didnt have enough time to finish all med ball throws & strength workout. usually workout for 1.5 hrs

should i do sprint workout + MB throws in A.M & do stregnth in P.M. or mb & strength in P.M.?

tues: tempo/core
thrus:hills/ strength/med ball
fri: tempo
sat calistenics/mobility
sun off

  1. Because you are following a short to long approach, I suppose?
  2. I wouldn’t change hill angles; whatever you practise one day might be messed up the next -between the two I would choose the shallower.
  3. Depending on what the MB throws are; if of low intensity, you can use them before weights as a general warm-up? If of high intensity, i.e., power drills, you could use them before the hill running perhaps…

Hope it helps!

My first time doing hills I went all out in effort. Should hills be an all out effort or a certain percenatge of something?

10m 2.25
20m 3.87
30m 5.35

flat grass surface 30m is 4.53

should i take a certain % of my 5.35 or just keep goin all out ?


Take it easy initialy till you feel completely comfortable with the process and you are sure your body is not struggling with the workouts.

Then maintain a 95% pace.

I wouldn’t bother timing them -only perhaps to check the duration of the drills- and/or correlating them to PBs -just my opinion.

Focus on technique.

Hope it helps!

I wouldn’t bother timing these unless it’s just to get a relative comparison within a workout to ensure that the quality isn’t dropping off too far at the end of the session (in which case, you should stop the session). There’s plenty of opportunities for timing when you get on the track in SPP. Just focus on mechanics for now.

Accel(hills),MB/plyo-very low volume

High pull
box squat
rev hyper
hanging leg raises/sagital plane
cook hip lift (core stabilisation)

Accels(how can I change it up or dont?)
…less steep of a hill?
longer accels? wouldnt that increase volume?
MB/plyo-very low volume

Strength (or should i keep the same exercises in the same micro an jus switch every macro)

High pull/snatch grip?
sumo deadlift
1 leg squats
hanging leg raises/w rotation
cook hip lift

thanx guys,

next thurs im gonna re test my standing 30m

No upper body work?
Have you checked out Joe Kenn’s Tier weight plan? It fist well with CFTS even with 2 weight days.

Mon: hills/max strength/plyo
Tues: upper body/tempo
Wed: off
Thurs: hills/max strength/plyo
Sat: calisthentics/gen mobility
Sun: off

I do the upper body in a more “bb” style workout, med CNS
split stance alt arm db press
ab/core exercise

Slightly over-trained and would like to deload a little bit more than normal. This is my first unload week in GPP.

Monday: hills - high CNS day
Speed work 5x10, 4x20, 3x30
MB 2 exercises, 2 sets x 6 reps
High Pull 4x5
Box Squats 5x6
Reverse Hypers 4x6
Hanging Knee Raises 3x6

Tempo runs: 8x100m - @ 65% w/90sec rest
Dumbbell press 3x6 “med Cns effort”
Pullups 3x6
SB Side Flexion 3x6

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: high CNS day
Speed work: 3x20, 3x25, 3x30
MB 2 exercises, 2 sets x 6 reps
High Pull 5x4
Sumo Deadlifts 6x6
T-RDLS 2x8
Hanging Knee Raise 3x6

Tempo runs 6x130m @65% w/120sec rest
Split stance alt arm DBpress 3x6 “med cns”
pullups 3x6
SB Side Flexion 3x6

Saturday “low CNS effort”
Supine lateral ball roll 3x10
MB rocky twist 3x6
functional push 3x10
Cable Wood Chops 3x8
Prone iso abs 3x30sec

I understand that you would need to look at the past 3 microcycles to give a really good answer, but I am just looking for some general thoughts and guidance. In micro cycle 3 Monday’s total was 260m and Thursday was 225m. I was thinking of doing 220m on Mondays and Thursdays of my deload week. I also was thinking of dropping 2 sets off the high pull and 1 set off the box squats / sumo deadlifts on Monday and Thursdays. In addition I was going to drop my tempo volume down to what I did in microcycle 1.

I am still having a problem with recovery. I go to sleep by 10pm. Im gonna go to bed by 9 now.
I eat organic, try an take naps.

I am thinking my strength volume is too much? what do you guys think?

where can i trim the fat on this program?

wieights plus sprints in one day fry your CNS. maybe on your days off you can do some lifts and what about recovery message on tempo days… Plus since you are working out 6 days you might as well spread things out a bit more.

thanx nycjay,

I am training 5 days a week. wed & sun off

If i dont strength train on sprint days im just adding more CNS days to my week? no?

Im thinking of

  1. dropping to 1 excersise on MB work.
    OHT “over shoulder” gotta keep some rotation work in there
  2. dropping some sets or dropping intensity?
    right now i train to failure
  3. dropping sets on my tempo runs? what is a good amount?

thanx guys!


  1. finish without injury or stumbling.
  2. Have fun! no anxiety

just doing this race to get of that anxiety so when it comes to really race! (aug/100m) i will be mentally confident!

race is at 10am.

just looking for advice on how to structure my day.

arrive 8:30 am
9:15am start warmup, mostly dynamic movement

9:40 start warmup sprints/these called strides?

  1. how many & for what distance
  2. standing start, stomach, blocks?

10 am race

thanx guys

Pay attention to your sleep the night before the last.
Wake up quite early in the morning of the race (e.g., 4 hours pre-).
I would stick to the usual warm-up (i.e., as in training) -this should also calm you down, since you don’t have anything new to remember and/or try.
The rest depend on your current training status (e.g., block work, etc).

Hope it helps!

Couple of things to consider.

  1. you have been out of training for a while
  2. You are old :wink:

I went through the same thing you are now. With age, work, family and other commitments you can’t train like you did when you were 20 and recover properly.

Personally for the first 6-8 weeks I would do hills twice a week (short and long) and two weight circuits a week (upper and lower)

The weights shouldn’t be heavy. You want to go medium intensity but take very short rest periods. Build up your strength endurance and try to get your tendons/ligaments as strong as possible.

We have a limited pool of CNS energy to pull from.

I was a consistent bottom 11 second 100m sprinter and mid 22 second 200 meter sprinter in the early to mid 90’s.

I tried a comeback two years ago and ran 12.05FAT at 205 pounds after two weeks training and then pulled a ham.

I was lifting way to heavy, weighed 200 pounds and didn’t take my time getting back into things. After you get yourself a nice base together I would look at keeping one of the hills sessions (long) and rotate short speed/max V with longer speed end runs each micro.

At our stage we have so much to gain from increases in speed end and strength end work. In addition that type of work is less likely to injure us compared to heavy weights and Max V too early in the comeback.

Get your base and then get the max V in place later after you are fit, strong and resilient.

This is just my opinion of course :slight_smile:
