That is your opinion. There is no statement regarding maximal hip flexion and that is not the reason why more rapid leg movements were not determined to be a factor in increased running speed. You’re editorializing.
Next, I interpret that ‘more rapid leg movement’ means ‘rate’ doesn’t it. I mean if an object moves ‘rapidly’ we are talking about the rate (ie., How fast is it going? “rapidly”) that the object moves, aren’t we?
But the leg moves a greater distance (greater SL swing) in an equal time (equal air phase time of 0.l28). THis means that the AVERAGE rate of leg movement has to be greater. In other words, for F runners they reposition their legs (meaning repositioning the leg from one toe-touch to the next toe-touch) a greater distance (greater SL) in an equal period of time (0.0128 s)So the ratio SL/ time is greater, which is really the rate of movement. This is average rate of leg movement. (That is my point on rate.) .
Your point does not apply. There was a mean aerial time of 0.128s and the aerial times were spread non-linearly across the entire group. Swing times were slower at lower speed for faster runners, but all runners reached similar swing times at each runners top speed. The mean swing time was 0.373s. Your using an aerial mean time for your analysis of swing time. The leg doesn’t move a greater distance by necessity, the COM does.
I understand that the studies I quote are ‘old’. But it rather remarkable that the ratio of Horizontal (H) to V forces at peak velocity is @ 1/3rd for all of these studies. The point is that GRFs are increased in both the V and H plane at peak velocity.
What is remarkable is that the preponderance of studies today use an approximate ratio of 10-1 not 3-1. In order to prove your point, you dug up some studies (up to 40 years old), decide they fit your model better and therefore must be more accurate than more recent studies. You then build your case around that ratio as if it is the correct one. You’ve made so many errors in your analysis of the Weyand study that one might not want to accept your reporting of the other studies as accurate.
Total Forces (GRFs) are increased with greater running velocity. (WE all agree on that one.) They are increased because the same impulse that is created by F and S runners is generated in a shorter ground contact time (GCT) for F runners. For the F runner to be able to generate an equal impulse as a S runner, but to do so in a shorter time period requires that a greater force is applied.
Well, take me out of the “WE”. GRF’s are not increased with greater running velocity. Greater running speeds are caused by increasing GRF. Increasing GRF decreases GCT because of Newtons 3rd. Effective impulse is the product of GCT and ground support force applied to the running surface in opposition to gravity. The effect of similar impulses affected aerial times. The result was a mean aerial time of 0.128 as stated above.
The GRFs are greater in the horizontal plane because the impulse is generated in a much shorter time period than during acceleration phase. SO, yes, horizontal forces are greater in peak velocity than they are in acceleration phase of a sprint. (I believe that you are in disagreement with this statement)As far as vertical displacement. It is dependent on air phase time, so if air phase times are equal between F and S runners then vertical displacements are also equal.
I think i’m disagreement, but since I’m not sure I understand what you are saying I’m not sure I disagree. I guess. It does not necessarily follow that GRF’s are greater in the H plane because of the shortness of time for generation of effective impulses. I want to make sure we all understand that we’re talking about vector changes between the start and approaching max velocity. Greater amounts of H F would occur at the start than later in a race because of inertia and other factors. As the vector changes, the amount of force required to offset the effects of gravity causes the V to require increasingly greater amounts of force than H because gravity does not affect absolute H (which is why the 3-1 ratio makes little sense.)
Your use of impulse here is incorrect. Impulse is created by ground support force and GCT. Ground force support is necessitated by the force of gravity acting on the mass of the body, which can be 3-5 x bodyweight, and it can only apply in the vertical. Since GReactionF is the equal and opposite it would be 0 at absolute horizontal. We are not going to get away with suspending the laws of gravity or any of Newton’s laws because we are competing in a sport.
I’m not trying to be mean here, but I cannot understand your attitiude toward HF’s. You’re almost like some branch of the U.N. trying to protect the rights of the nation of HF’s and all its inhabitants against the evil and dictatorial forces of the V.
Weyand study confirms a longer SL for F runners that occurs in an equal air phase time. I am merely trying to say that the longer SL (which is a horizontal component) is increased because of horizontal propulsion forces that are generated by those muscles responsible for that increased SL (ie., hip flexors and extensors)
Longer SL has both V and H components. If there is no vertical element then stride length would be limited to the length of the legs. The range of SL in Weyand’s study were 2.9 to 4.9 m. If you know anyone who can stretch out to almost 10 m without leaving the ground, sign them up as a client and get them a monster contract with the NBA. If you add vertical, you add gravity. If you add gravity you add V F requirements that dwarf the HF.
Barry Ross