Athletes Performance- Jonathan Stewart

Nobody does except for five year olds who reach top speed in one step

I dont care how you try and slice it, but i know if you improve max v then you will improve overall speed in any sprint test. Most of the times when a fb player run a 4.5-4.6 they are lacking top speed and the ability to acc through the finish bc most fb players are bigger guys and usually good accelerators.

Dont be an idiot i was giving an xtreme example you should get the point. most guys who run 4.5 probably cant acc past 20-25.

Exactly which is why I would focus almost entirely on the acceleration phase when training for the 40.

you cant have a cookie cutter program my friend. lol, if you have a guy who can only acc out to 25 and you improve his max v his times will improve, is that the point? working on 10-20-30 will get you so far, you must extend the range and work on some 50-60 range esp with fb guys.

I look at it from the opposite side of the spectrum. Work acceleration out towards top speed rather than in from top speed.

i work to try and improve the athletes weak point, shyt if sweed first 10 was 1.50 and 20yd was 2.46 and 40 was 4.51 why not work on top speed. I stand by my word give me 6-8 wk with sweed and he run 4.3’s-low 4.4.

Why not work on being able to accelerate out farther than 25 yards. I can see the value of Max V to improve the speed reserve but once again the 40 is primarily acceleration. How can you explain Jamaal Charles getting beat by a handful of guys who couldn’t touch him on the track? Acceleration is king in the 40.

Probably because Sweed’s 20 was more like 2.64 than 2.46.

Get serious, in order to acc through 40 you must have good top speed bc i have never seen a slow person acc that far. Jammal charles is a different story, we dont know what jammal would run in the 60 or 100 since hes not during track training this could be a case where the fb speed training hurt his natural speed. i put money on that last year this time jammal would have beat anyone at the combine.

Watch sweed run the 40 and your questions would be solve.

Mr. twhite you are totally misunderstanding what im saying, im not saying that acc is not important when training for the 40, im saying with this athlete he need to focus on his top speed development to reach that next level in his speed development.

I just checked and Sweed ran 2.62 at the combine through 20 yards.

ok, whats your point once again i was trying to give you an example of how you cant group all athletes into the same training program. athlete A may need more acc work, athlete B may need more top speed work.

sweed proday:

by the way what was his first 10.

sweed combine: slower acc faster 40:
10: 1.54
20: 2.62
40: 4.48

proday: faster acc slower 40:
10: 1.53
20: 2.62
40: 4.50

The most obvious question is why would he run again at the Pro Day when he already impressed the scouts with a 4.48.

Also, did they run on the astroturf or in the bubble?

more proof in the pudding:

chris johnson: fastest back at combine:
10: 1.40
20: 2.41
40: 4.24

10: 1.50
20: 2.53

40: 4.33

10: 1.46

40: 4.38

jammal: his acc dont look to bad to me, and im sure with more top sped work he could have ran 4.2.

look at chris johnson times this guy acc through the whole damn 40.

Jammal charles hater, i know he toast baylor but damn lets get serious. :slight_smile:

I like Jamaal and think he’s a tremendous back, I just never thought he looked like a 10.2 on the football field

Johnson’s 10 yard split is incredible.