Athletes Performance- Jonathan Stewart

Details some of his training for the Combine.

They also have a video of Glenn Dorsey training with Tom Shaw, it features him running with what appears to be 6 parachutes! Interesting to say the least.

just got done watching espn, J.S. is thick ass hell. G.D. looked horrible training!

API is top flight in their preparations, I’ve been to the LA campus and in my opinion API is the best. They produce year in and year out and the approach is much more technical and hands on than TS seems to be.

after seeing TS coach im starting to think hes overrated.

What i dont like is how these guys try and take bulk of the credit, for example espn said the AP trainer worked with 32 1st round picks. I think college strength coaches should get the credit bc they have worked with these athletes the most, TS and those guys only have these athletes for 6-8 weeks. Do you really think that AP helped AD run a 4.38 at the combine? This is the same problem Tommy Moffit had with Mike Gough who trained Joseph Addai and had him during gassers and shuttles for the combine and when Joseph ran a 4.3 he took the credit, its funny bc he also ran 4.3 at his jr day the previous yr.

These guys get top talent, which makes them look good. But there is more to the draft then just getting them ready to run. Interview skills, position drills, body comp etc.

Tom Shaw’s video was horrible. He seems to enjoy overspeed bungee work too.

I agree, sometimes the mark of a good program is that they don’t interfere with your ability to perform at the combine.

I agree these predraft camps are overrated, usc keep most of there guys(rivers and ellis) and JS should have stayed at oregon bc his sc is top notch.

Regarding Tom Shaw’s training:

Speaking only in fact and in no particular reference to who the athletes are in order to protect their identity:

I have spoken to more than one athlete who has trained at Shaw’s and the collective feedback is precisely as follows (none of the following includes any personal views of my own):

  • in many training environments the number of athletes far outnumbers the amount trainers
  • there is very little, if any, individualization of the training particularly with respect to mechanics for the sprint, drills, etc not being adjusted to each of the athlete’s anthropometry
  • sequencing of strength training loads for bench press test remained almost entirely in the 8-12 rep range with the exception of the occasional 225 for reps test
  • media is called on location primarily to shoot footage of only the most high profile draft candidates who, according to what I was told, rarely perform the entirety of the training program; but rather come and go as they please participating in only what they chose
  • when a particular athlete told Shaw that his numbers were not improving; but rather, were becoming worse- Shaw told him that it was up to him (the athlete) to figure it out
  • the list goes on

Again, this information comes from the mouths of athletes whose agents paid for them to attend Shaw’s combine preparation camp- to the tune of $900/week

I don’t back a lot of his methods but I have talked to several athletes and they think he is great. Personally, I think some of the stuff he does is laughable. I have heard from a couple athletes he’s like…“don’t worry about paying me now I know you will come back.” I don’t know if he is being nice or that is a good business strategy. Either way just because he is Tom Shaw doesn’t mean he is the best.

TS is a retard, just saw another piece of him working with UK qb andre woodson and he him during qb drops with chutes attach to his waist.

I don’t really remember seeing him do some ridiculous stuff like that last year when he trained 5 of the fastest guys at the combine last year.

he did the same shyt, you didnt see AD running with chutes in his hand, the only good thing i saw him during last year was falling and pushup starts and even then the athletes had big baggy sweat pants on etc which is perfect for a speed session.

it was a compromise instead of the 'chutes.

AD trained at API, not with Shaw.

i know, my bad im thinking about the commerical of ad during that drill.

You gotta remember though, this guy gets some of the freakiest athletes the world has to offer. You really think he had anything to do with Calvin Johnson running a 4.35 or much to do with the other freaks he gets.

He runs a pretty looking camp in Disney World. He hooks up with some of the top agents who routinely get the top players. So the agents send their players to him. They have great combines cause they’re freaks, suddenly he becomes known as a guy who gets results so people come back year after year.

If people really want to see guys get some awesome results check out Joe Defranco and Martin Rooney over at Parisi’s. I don’t care what people say about their speed training views, you can’t argue with the combine results. I think the record holder for just about every single test was trained by Rooney or Defranco.

what ur saying i already said it, also JD and martin also get studs also, we need to thank the ncaa SC who develop these athletes not some combine guru that teach these guys how to cheat test.

It also blows my mind that these guys are getting payed $3000+ per athlete.

someone who does a good job is the head sc of wisconsin he has his own pre draft camp and i think he charge 1000 bucks per week.