Athletes Performance- Jonathan Stewart

do you think that spoon kid that JD is training will run 4.2 at the combine.

Heard he wasn’t invited. People seem to think that Donnie Avery will have the fastest time. I’m always a little more interested in seeing some of the bigger skill guys (RB’s) run fast when weighing 220+. Stewart and Mendenhall will be interesting.

shyt steward will probably run 4.5-4.6 hes too big and blocky, rashard will probably run 4.4-4.5range. I heard one of the espn guys saying avery will run the fastest. the fastest rb may be the kid from east carolina.

Stewart looked pretty fast when he was at Oregon. Mendenhall is training at Poliquin’s center, I’ll be interested to see how that pans out. Jamaal is a sprint champ but I don’t see him going low 4.3’s.

im surprise what the scouts are saying bout steve slanton:

Negatives: Lacks prototype size and explosiveness for the position. … Good acceleration to burst for big plays but there are questions about his ability to truly breakaway from defenders in the open field. … No major injuries over his career, but has a tendency to get nicked up. … Played in an offense perfectly suited to his ability. … With defenses spread out to protect against QB Pat White and others, Slaton often didn’t have to meet his first defender until a few yards past the line of scrimmage. … Has the skill set to be a return specialist, but has limited experience here

i guess hester didnt get to train rashard, stewart does not look fast on the field, he look 4.5 at best hes built like a damn block. the only way jammal dont run is if he ran at ut, which has a very very slow track.

who told you about rashard training at poliquin center?

Saw it in an article about the combine. Slaton is extremely explosive in my opinion.

i agree that scout must have been drunk.

Negatives: While he has shown the ability to play with pain, he has a long history of ankle problems dating back to 2002 and further medical evaluation is needed…Inconsistent following his blocks on outside runs and takes a moment to recognize that protection developing…Has excellent timed speed, but is not a darting runner with great shake-and-bake moves, preferring to run through tacklers rather than get too fancy with juke moves…Has good change-of-direction agility, but is a bit stiff in his hips, which could be an attempt to compensate for ankle injuries that limited cutting ability…Has good blocking technique, but despite his impressive weight-room strength, he won’t stone defenders with a crunching hand punch (more likely to chip with purpose on the opponent rather than try to punish him, but he is very willing to face up)…Has the speed to turn the corner, but is sometimes caught and is more slippery than elusive.

crazy u think charles wont run at least low 4.3, dude run legit 10.2 100m.

He is extremely fast but he is also a very smooth runner, ala Ted Ginn. I don’t really see him having a tremendous start for some reason. Then again I could be completely wrong but I would guess that he goes 4.37-4.39

I’m also curious to see how a Poliquin trained athlete performs at the combine. While he isn’t necessarily known for speed development in a track sense, his bobsled training experience may actually be beneficial for such a short race like the 40.

mike huff was a smooth runner and look what he ran.

Agreed but I’ll still stick with my prediction.

im sure rashard didnt do much speed work in college, his sc use to be sc at uofh under lott. like we said earlier these trainers dont perform magic with these guys, rashard is a back that will run no faster then 4.4.

your probably right bc ut combine surface dont yield fast times, if he was at usc running on mondo track maybe he would run 4.28.

The only real magic that I have seen is what Perfect Competition did with a certain WR who ran 4.32 last year after being predicted (rightfully so if you ever saw him play) to run in the 4.5’s

which wr???

Jason Hill

who do you think is the best wr in this class??

Hmmm, I would have to say Malcolm Kelly or Sweed with Manningham close behind.