Athletes Performance- Jonathan Stewart


interesting stats:

chris johnson:
: 4.25 in the 40-yard dash … 375-pound bench press … 425-pound squat … 330-pound power clean … 43 ½-inch vertical jump … 30 ¼-inch arm length … 7 ¼-inch hands … Right-handed … 10/29 Wonderlic score.

Campus: 4.34 in the 40-yard dash (hand-held). … 4.48 in the 40-yard dash (electronic). … 410-pound bench press (best total ever by an Oregon running back). … 555-pound squat (fifth-best ever among Oregon running backs). … 402-pound power clean (third-best total by any Oregon player). … Bench pressed 225 pounds 29 times. … 36-inch vertical jump. … 4.34 20-yard shuttle. … 32 1/4-inch arm length. … 9 1/2-inch hands.

Campus: 4.56 in the 40-yard dash (wind-aided) … 4.64 in the 40-yard dash (against the wind) … 455-pound bench press … 580-pound squat … Squats 405 pounds 20 times … 33-inch vertical jump … 33 1/8-inch arm length … 10-inch hands.

Campus: 4.48 in the 40-yard dash … 355-pound bench press … 440-pound squat … 308-pound power clean … 34.5-inch vertical jump … 10’9" broad jump … 4.05 20-yard shuttle.

Chris Johnson has put up some amazing numbers. His hands are so damn small though. 7.25", what’s up with that?

musta been why he went to ECU

that test is a joke.

ecu is a joke.

someone told me you were a joke.:slight_smile:

How do you get a 10/29?

Whats ur point, there have been guys from Ivy league school who scored 12-15. There are many different reasons why someone test score could be low, you only have 12mins to answer 50 questions and many of the questions dont have a right or wrong answer; would you perfer to be cat or dog? Shit many athletes could care less bc if you can ball thats all matter as you can see his 4.2 got him drafted in the first round. :slight_smile:

Instructions: Here is a 12-question sample test. Factoring in the time allowed for the 30 and 50 question test, you have three minutes and 20 seconds to complete this test. Take the number of correct answers in the alloted time and multiply it by 4.16 to get your score. If you don’t finish the test in time, the questions you don’t complete are wrong. (For example, if you get 6 correct, your adjusted score would be 24.96 – or 25) Good luck!


“High” scores: Lame QB’s

Alex Smith – 40
Eli Manning – 39
Matt Leinart – 35
Tom Brady – 33
Quincy Carter – 30

“Moderate” scores:

Akili Smith – 26
Byron Leftwich – 25
Ben Roethlisberger – 25
David Carr – 24
Michael Vick – 20

“Low” scores: Best group of QB.

Vince Young – 15
Steve McNair – 15
Donovan McNabb – 14
Brock Berlin – 13
Marcus Vick – 11

  1. Assume the first 2 statements are true. Is the final one:

  2. true 2. false 3. not certain

The boy plays baseball. All baseball players wear hats. The boy wears a hat.

  1. Paper sells for 21 cents per pad. What will 4 pads cost?

  2. How many of the five pairs of items listed below are exact duplicates?
    Nieman, K.M. Neiman, K.M.
    Thomas, G.K. Thomas, C.K.
    Hoff, J.P. Hoff, J.P.
    Pino, L.R. Pina, L.R.
    Warner, T.S. Wanner, T.S

  3. PRESENT RESENT - Do these words:

  4. have similar meanings

  5. have contradictory meanings

  6. mean neither the same nor opposite

  7. A train travels 20 feet in 1/5 second. At this same speed, how many feet will it travel in three seconds?

  8. When rope is selling at $.10 a foot, how many feet can you buy for sixty cents?

  9. The ninth month of the year is:

  10. October

  11. January

  12. June

  13. September

  14. May

  15. Which number in the following group of numbers represents the smallest amount?

7 .8 31 .33 2

  1. In printing an article of 48,000 words, a printer decides to use two sizes of type. Using the larger type, a printed page contains 1,800 words. Using smaller type, a page contains 2,400 words. The article is allotted 21 full pages in a magazine. How many pages must be in smaller type?

  2. Three individuals form a partnership and agree to divide the profits equally. X invests $9,000, Y invests $7,000, Z invests $4,000. If the profits are $4,800, how much less does X receive than if the profits were divided in proportion to the amount invested?

  3. Assume the first two statements are true. Is the final one:

  4. true 2. false 3. not certain

Tom greeted Beth. Beth greeted Dawn. Tom did not greet Dawn.

  1. A boy is 17 years old and his sister is twice as old. When the boy is 23 years old, what will be the age of his sister?

I know it has nothing to do with football, but I can’t believe anyone could score that low on a test like this. The sample test took me 85 seconds and I didn’t miss a single problem, though #9 slowed me down for a second.

Again, it has nothing to do with football, but it is a measure of basic critical thinking skills.

I’ll say it again the athletes could care less about this test, im sure if the NFL put more emphasis on this test the test scores would increase. also you mention u didn’t miss one single questions that’s good and ur also a book nerd and most of these guys are not and you didn’t have to wake up 4am and go through all the other non sense tests. I dont think you would score as high as you may think, bc you dont perform well under intense pressure.:cool:

How did they determine that the group with “high” scores is the lame qb list? Tom Brady and Eli “lame” qbs? Where is Peyton?

I put lame qb’s bc most of the qb’s in that group havent done much besides brady, just to show you that test scores dont mean much look at mcnabb. also payton and carson are in the middle group.

McNabb has no super bowl rings.

Steve Young and Troy Aikman would be considered very high on the list. Peyton high/moderate as well.

Not saying someone needs to be a genius or that it is necessarily relevant to being say, a lineman or wide receiver, but to get such atrocious scores… you really do have to have some sort of mental difficulties it seems.

i’m with davan, tamfb you kinda skewed the data there in who you reported, i’m sure there are plenty of duds down in the 10-20 range and plenty of bamf’s in the high scoreing range. you don’t need to score well obviously to be a good football player, but air mcnair and mcnabb are probably the only two guys to score so poorly and preform at a high level.

i wonder what ryan leaf got?

it’s not as important as a 40 or # of reps at 225 or any of that, but to act like it’s totally immaterial for qb’s and middle linebackers or whoever is calling the defense on the field is dumb.

its funny bc payton and carson are in that 20-25 range. so ur telling me you wouldnt want mcnabb on ur team?

Alex Smith – 40: BUST
Eli Manning – 39: GO
Tom Brady – 33: GREAT
Quincy Carter – 30: DRUGGY

poor test scores but ill take any of these three guys any day.
Vince Young – 15
Steve McNair – 15
Donovan McNabb – 14


P. Manning is a 20-25 guy? He scored a 29…

Again, you aren’t presenting everyone and very selective examples.

Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Tom Brady, and others?

And Vince Young just sucks.