Athletes/alcohol Poll?

it’s aight 400stud, it’s a sensitive issue… i’ve also seen the really horrible things ppl do when they are drinking. being a female… iet gets ugly.

Without being in 400 or Kras’s position I don’t automatically abhor alcohol as much, but I do feel lifestyle changes can be very big, just because of where interest’s lie at the time.

For instance, 2 years ago I’m sneaking liquor out of my parents cabinet, tonight I’m sneaking a flax seed oil pill from the mom of the kid I was babysitting.

I don’t know that I won’t have the occasional beer when I’m in college, so I don’t think I necessarily am agreeing with one side or the other. I just think its highly unlikely I’ll be going out every night and getting trashed (Note:this is not directed at anyone since no one was saying this) unless I quit athletics.

I used to drink to excess quite a bit in college. It never did anything good for me, never gave me some new insight, never put me in good situations, and afterwards in honest moments I would wonder if this was all life had to offer.

Then I realized that God put us on earth for better things. The need to drink and party went mysertiously went away.

What about NOS? (aka Nitris Oxide, aka ‘laughing gas’)

I’m half serious. Never tried it myself, but a few of my friends do and they’re adament it gives you a buzz and is harmless. Confirmed by my chemistry teacher. It’s not even against school rules to own it, although definately frowned upon.

i don’t think i’d say i abhor it, i just try to avoid running into it and getting tempted during the season because i know where my weaknesses are!

i think as long as you know your limits and you don’t get dangerous when you’re drinking, it’s ok now and then/.

hey TimLane,

you wouldnt have happened to be a little bit wasted during some of ur previous posts, would you? hehe

I’ll be honest. I like to drink.

Throughout the whole summer I didn’t drink any alcohol at all. I just trained and trained and ate and ate and trained some more. 2nd week in August I went to Northern Ontario to visit a friend of mine for a week. He and I used to drink a lot on dorm (high school dorm, not college dorm). To make a long story short, I drank some sort of alcohol (mostly liquor) pretty much every night I was there (yes, my liver was probably pretty fucked up by the time I left). I’m home now, I haven’t had a drink since.

Also, some of you guys have to realize that whenever you’re having girl problems (or guy problems in krayana-something-or-other’s case) you will always have a friend, a best friend at that, his name is Jack Daniels. Jack doesn’t gripe about his day at work, he just listens and lets you drink your problems away.

So to sum it up, if the occasion arises, I’m not gonna be like “no, no way.” But I don’t search for some sort of liquor to drink each and every night like a dirty boozehound.

PS When I was drunk one night, my friend and I came up with this saying, “The more Jack [Daniels] I drink, the better I get at everything.” Probably not funny at all to you guys but it was pretty funny at the time and we still get a kick out of it when one of us says it.

Drinking = BAD (to me)

Synonyms: drugs, tobacco, partying

Antonym = Long prosperous life where you are in the driver’s seat at all times and life goes how you plan it, not how “Jack” planned it. Peace of mind.

believing you are in the drivers seat at all times is an illusion created by people that are too scared to let go. hence, they never drink, for fear of ‘losing control’.

life can only be planned up to a certain point, beyond that its in the lap of the gods.

peace of mind is easy to achieve, comes from within oneself. im sure a person that drinks occasionally, even gets drunk if the situation permits or allows, can still have peace of mind. we are talking about drinking, not getting drunk.

common saying: let the chips fall where they may.
misconception: believing that attempting to control all the elements in one’s life will lead to a better, more satisfying and enjoyable life

these comments have little to do with drinking.

When you drink you become impaired in most aspects and then you AREN’T in control. That is what I am talking about. Even a slight buzz can alter your perception of your surroundings resulting in very bad things at times.

Life may not be planable at all times, but I still like to have an idea. Drinking does not allow you to do that, if you are an avid drinker. Social drinking is okay as long as it’s not taken too far, but either way, I stay away from it all.

It’s just not worth it to me. Staying healthy, active, and intelligent (when you drink too much you lose intelligence because the alcohol is in control), is my goal in life and that is going to get accomplished at all costs…including giving up some of you guys’ idea of “fun”.

i agree

damn, i guess i dont deserve the 93% average i have then…

btw i dont drink that often, during school i will drink 2-4 times a month thats it…very social atmosphere… during offseason, i stay away…

I was not referring to academic intelligence completely. Drinking can take away your “common sense” which can be more important for you at times than any schoolbook could. Sorry, was a little unclear.

I stay 100% away from alcohol, but 2-4 times a month is not bad considering I know kids that will come to school high and buzzed on a daily basis. They will actually ditch one class to do that so they can be high for another…dumb asses. I don’t understand how you drink during school, but stay away during off-season. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

in the end, what else can we all say?

you have your opinion and beliefs 400Stud, which is fine, and respected by all on this forum im sure :rolleyes:


Just like I respect everyone else’s. It just seems that a couple of people are trying to get me to believe what they do re: drinking and that’s not going to happen.

Different beliefs is one thing that makes us all individual. :smiley:

posted by dwat
hey TimLane,

you wouldnt have happened to be a little bit wasted during some of ur previous posts, would you? hehe

dude lets get waisted tonight…

Two people put drinks like fish?
Rupert and Charlie? I can just pictured them getting waisted reading these posts. Anyone else>

Speaking of that I found rare pictures of charlie (top)… rupert (bottom)
taken by british paperatzy.

I had a bottle of white wine woth my lunch yesterday.

I don’t consider drinking wine with a meal as drinking though.

DMA the only place wine doesn’t count is at hooters; could there be a correlation between the amount of drinking you do vs. the amount of dating you do.

I’m with 400stud here… I’m 18 and i don’t drink. Never touched alchohol, never will while I’m active. I’m serious and I’m proud.
I can’t understand people that are drinking while they say they are serious… What’s going on in their minds?
If you want to be something big, you have to stay away from that shit, and have focus.