I can’t believe the nerve:
Haha speed, trust me i know people who go higher than that, barely hit parallel and would call it atg. I would say that is about what the average person would consider atg, definately not atg, but hey what can you do.
i’ve seen 135lb bench press assisted bounce 1rm’s posted on youtube. pft this isn’t that bad.
Can anyone actually touch their ass to the ground? If so you’re a better man than I.
Aye to that.
if you feeze the bottom part, the calf is up against the hammy, perhaps he could go a touch further, but his legs seem to touch? some were a bit higher. there is maybe 2 inchese in it maybe? on some of em.
It seems to be deep enough I think…
I think it’s the method that is used to get there. It’s more of a “lean into it” squat, but I personally don’t believe it’s an ATG squat. As for the glute touching ham part of the discussion, if you’re fat (or broad) enough, you can touch glute to ham at parallel. Parallel is not ATG.
No, I don’t think this is a bad squat. But ATG, definetly not.
Melissa Ladoucer from North Bay. 48kg OLer.
I believe she is the current Ont. and CDN champ at that weight. She can squat and park her butt on the floor. Only person I’ve ever seen do it.
Yes, very much so. Incidentally, there is a new article on pain-free front squats in BFS (Bigger Faster Stronger magazine, I know people hate the system, but kim goss is a fine editor/writer and does some great work at the magazine there) with a picture of Tom Gough doing an ATG front squat. God Bless the Olympic Weightlifter!!
By the way, here’s a vid of my squat (and there’s one of zhang ghuozheng (?) on the same page; this was from a series of videos of my technique (not maxing) I did to send to my coach):
Ass to the ground baby and 3xBW for reps!
you have to be a strong mofo to be world champ!
In the words of Pedro Serrano (a la Major League II), “that was beautiful, mon.”
By the way, Colin, I haven’t seen you post in what seems like a decade. Back on the forum?
I’ve been lurking
but mostly I have nothing to say I guess
What, never, not CoolColj
Because it’s already been said, right. I go through my lows and highs here. I get bored with newbies taking training in circles.