Are cleans the exercise to do??

Did you wear them 24 hours a day for 4 weeks? Not trying to be jerk but its not a very complient method.

Oh I agree, for anybody with a life that’s not a good training method (although it could make for a good ice breaker during a blind date).

If you have an x-vest you could say you are a spy and it’s a bulletproof jacket, then that could get women! Regualar guys like me need gimicks!

Someone I know uses the Smart vest - he loves it, very snug and comfortable, almost unoticbale under a sweatshirt, except the for straps at the top which gives the look of monster traps :slight_smile:

“Yeah I had good results with the vest actually, I was able to dunk vert (standing jump) again after like a month of using it although I had gained 9 kg.”

Thanks Christian.

An increase of 27" to 38" is phenomenal, sdblue. I would be very interested in knowing more about the specifics of your program. I will try anything as long an increase is likely. My current vertical is around around 28". You can email me if you desire at Thanks, man.

Please don’t leave CT.

Having your presence over at T-Mag is good, but its also good to have a local (including Colin) away from home (home being T-Mag).

David, you’re probably just slamming Christian because hes more successful than you are. :slight_smile:

Also, you’re probably jealous that hes the one that looks like Vin Diesel and not you.

Hell, I can think of a handful of girls at school that would have their panties flyin’ if I looked like Vin Diesel.

So, yeah, quit playa hatin’.

How long did it take to go from 27 to 38 inches?

I spent 2 years trying to raise my vertical but the most dramatic improvement came in a three month period after beginning weighted plyos.

once your base strength levels are there, the results come thick and fast. Gaining the strnegth first is the slow bit :slight_smile:

I think any base strength I had was genetic because I got my vertical to 38 inches through the weighted plyos without ever squatting. Since then I’ve tried squatting and have never full squatted more than 245.

I should clarify by that that when my vertical was 38 inches I dont think I would have been able to full squat a whole lot. In a vertical jump there’s so little time to apply force that rate of force development is the key. This idea is nothing new, just reiterating it because it appears to be true.

Did it improve your sprint times, if you ever timed yourself? Did you only use it for your plyometric sessions?

Check out this interesting reply to an athlete asking about cleans.

apples and oranges - moving 315lbs on your back and propelling 225lbs through the air are different things.

I don’t know how far back this was, but here’s an assessment of upright rows, deep decline presses, dips, etc. Anytime you combine internal rotation of the humerus with shoulder abduction, you create impingement to the rotator cuff, specifically the subscapularis. Hence they are a Do Not Do. An upright row has nothing to do with a clean. They just look alike.

Why don’t T-mag just print a page of Supertraining or S&P of Strength Training each week (they could save your fees)?!

Wonderful grammar.

First of all, safety is the most important thing in lifting weights. Second, that being said, you still have lift heavy in order to produce strength gains in elite athletes. Third, according to Tudor Bompa’s “Laws of Strength Training”, you have to develop joint flexibility, then tendon/ligament strength (before muscle strength), then develop core strength (before limbs), and then muscle strength (lifting heavy). Only when you have done these things then still your only half ready. The next thing you have do is seek out a professional olympic-lifting coach (or one who knows what he is doing) and perfect your technique or you risk serious injury; also, if all you can squat is 100 lbs, your clean is probably going to be 60 lbs (roughly speaking) and your power output is next to nothing compared to other athletes. I know so many different coaches teaching olympic lifts horribly wrong with the coach telling their athletes “to bounce the bar off their hips”. In the mean time you can do jump squats at a light weight assuming your technique is good and you have the appropriate muscle strength. It has been shown that multiple jumps squats can produce more power in the legs than cleans due to the stretch-shortening cycle. Finally, for ELITE athletes cleans are a must; for example, in a study conducted on elite world class olympic lifters and sprinters, the olympic lifters killed the sprinters in a race of 10 metres. This is due to the fact that the olympic lifters were able to produce more power due the fact that they were able to coordinate their whole body better than the sprinters (neuromuscular coordination). This clearly proves that cleans are a beneficial exercise for the start of a 100m race and also for baseball players, football players, and etc.

well, that wouldn’t surprise me coming from Joe because he’s such a Westside devotee. They’re not big on OLY lifts in general. Just goes to show that not everyone has to train the same way to get results.

high pulls are a great alternative to cleans without “as” much technique work necessary either in comparision to the full powerclean :slight_smile: