Ok, first replie in a zillion year!
No exercise is NECESSARY
Exercise selection is the LEAST IMPORTANT training parameter
An exercise you select is effective not because of the exercise itself, but rather because of HOW you do it.
Here is a few paragraph from one of my upcoming article:
"In modern strength training it seems that exercise selection has taken the most important place when it comes to program design. Ironically, when it comes to maximum strength development it is probably one of the least important variables to manipulate. Simply look at most elite Olympic weightlifters: very few will do exercises outside of cleans, jerks, snatches (competitive lifts), back squats, front squats and sometimes pulls. And never will you see them working on isolation exercise to correct a so-called structural imbalance.
Now, I’m not that extreme. I do advocate using various exercises to develop the body harmoniously (this can help with strength, proper posture and looks). However I do believe that it’s not which exercise you do that carries the greater benefit in regard to strength, but rather how you do it.
The Olympic lifts are widely regarded as fantastic power builders. And they are, but not because of the actual movement you are doing (there is nothing magical about a power clean), rather because you are moving a relatively heavy load with as much speed as possible. So it’s not the movement per se that brings most of the gains in power output, but rather how you do the exercise (incidentally that’s why I’m not looking at how much weight a trainee is lifting in the Olympic lifts but rather how fast can he lift a certain load).
Take the Westside guys for example: they do not use the Olympic lifts yet they are extremely strong and powerful guys. Why? In part because an important portion of their training is spent on moving a load with as much speed and acceleration as possible. They may not do the Olympic lifts, but they still get the same benefits by doing explosive squats, bench presses and deadlifts.
As you can see, the secret is not so much what exercises you use, but how you use them (Yeah I know, I’m repeating myself. But this could very well be the most important thing you’ll ever learn in regard to strength development).
Sadly we often ignore that fact, and instead of looking for effective ways of doing an exercise we are looking for a magical exercise (such thing doesn’t exist). And the saddest part is that these methods are here, they are well-known by a few coaches. Hey, a few trainees (you may be one of them) even tried some of them but dismissed them before giving them a fair chance. "