Are cleans the exercise to do??

Have you ever played and Golf or baseball? The swing of the bat and the club are very similar; however, both are played on different fields, different equipment (in golf you get to use different clubs), different competition setting (golf is not a team sport), etc etc etc! The point is that the CNS has a new stimulus even though the swings of both the bat and the club resemble each other! So for powerlifting this prevents stagnation and when the lifter does go back to his original exercises he should be stronger in them in both the short run and the long run! An example of this is when I only bench pressed once in a two week period and then quit bench pressing for another 2 weeks; in the same four week period, the only upper body exercise I did was the Pushpress! So in the the 5th week (after the 4 week meso/macrocyle) I tested my bench press thinking my strength levels would plummet; shock, to my suprise my bench press went up 10lbs from 365 to 375! Zatsiosrky recommends this in “Science and Practice of Strength Training”. So buy not doing the exercise and by strengthening my shoulder muscles I strengthened a weakness while allowing my CNS to be further stimulated to a new adaptation and thereby switching back to the bench press restimulated it again once more! Rotating exercises are usually done every 2-3 months!

BTW, ever notice that elite Javelin throwers can throw a baseball 100 miles an hour! Why? Bc the throwing movement is very similar to the pitching movement and in both the degree of elbow flexion is great not to mention the thousands of degrees per second the arms rotate! I believe the fact that the Javelin weighs slightly higher than the baseball that the extra resistance work done in a Javelin throwers life contributed to him being able to throw the baseball harder than most major league pitchers!

I don’t understand how anyone’s ever been injured on a snatch. For all but a few olympic lifters the weight used is so small compared to clean or jerk. I feel it’s prevented shoulder injuries for me.
Is that true about jav thowers? I remeber a former gold medalist was given a try-out with the Atlanta braves but it didn’t transfer over as well as they thought. What if they were allowed to approach from second base??!!

The Javelin throwers can throw hard but not accurate! This takes time! I am confident that if they worked with this guy for 2-3 years he would have been a phenom!

No and the reason is this, wt releasers attach onto the bar with a bar designed in a hook upside down “J”; therefore, you need to go up on the concentric phase in a concave pattern or a straight diagnol pattern at a 80 degree angle. The only way that you can avoid this is if you have two spotters that would pull the wt. releasers at the bottom of the lift and then the athlete can explode up on the concentric phase!

Weight releasers should allow you to push up in pretty much any path you want…

The dont sit vertical so when they hit the ground they unhook themselves and you are free to puch straight back up…

My mistake in intpretating the way wt. releasers work. I am not against wt. releasers; in fact, I am for them. Even if they did hook on in J pattern it wouldn’t matter bc your pushing in an arc in the bench press or a straight line back towards the rack point. (where you initially took the barbell off).

Please let me know if there are any other mix ups in my intrepetations or if you have any other questions about some of my posts.

Despite the fact that you described the SSC only in its elastic component, I would be curious to see your “force-plate analysis graphs that find bands to be superior to plyometric action”.

If you actually meant “plyometric action” , you should know that what you do with the bands is still a plyometric action (lato sensu). If you meant “plyometric training” (stricto sensu), you should know that the force of gravity is linearly increasing (simplifying).

I don’t doubt your “on the field experience” but we all own Supertraining, you better indicate the pages than erroneously paraphrasing their content.


The weight releaser are vertical to the ground as you have interpreted, but have a 45 degree V at the bottom, so as soon as the dangling J-Hook hits the ground with the V, it causes the releaser to rock forward or back.

When set up so it releases 2" from my chest, I can use a very dynamic speed and still not get snagged by the releaser on the concentric phase…

They work very well for adding eccentirc force to absorb…

Caoch JR