Anti-Inflamatory before Competition

Can i take an Anti-Inflamatory 2 days before a meet ? ( From the physical point of view ).
I´ve just pulled my quads 2 days before my first meet. So, any recomendations about a fast recovery ? Ice/Hot ? Massage ? Vit-C ? Anti-Infs ? :frowning:

And what about EMS ? Could be a good moment to think about this treatment ?

TKS !!! :smiley: :slight_smile: :wink: :cool: :confused: :rolleyes: :o :frowning: :eek: :mad:

If you “pulled” your 2 quads you can forget about running for a few weeks.

(Quikazhell, is that you in the avatar picture?)

What’s EMS?

Flying, did you really pull your quads, or are they just very sore? If you pulled both, I don’t think you’d be walking.