analyse this

Jesse in 1976 when I met him and spoke with him for a couple of hours in his suite at a Hilton hotel and then attended this very function: a sports awards dinner. I feel so privileged still to this day to have spent that time with him.

Jesse Owens wins 220y race in WR 20.4sec at U of M on 25-05-1935

GabiSzabo, Carl Lewis, Fanny Blankers-Koen, Michael Johnson (and some fatcat in between them)

Michael 400m heat Atlanta 96 Olympics

the “other” Atlanta Olympic 400m gold medallist: Marie-Jose Perec

Damn those glutes look amazing. Ass so fat I can see it from the front!

a fantastic example of the retained arm angles and relaxation CF talks about. Compare his form to the others.

Great set of pics KK. :cool:

Carmelita Jeter

frames 5 & 6 just don’t look right to me, looks more like an 800m form.

You have to follow a rythem dictated by the power available so power dictates much of what you see.