Aivala's long jumping log


3 x SFS (30m / 15/ 15) easy

snatch 5x2 40 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 50kg
quarter squat 5x4 x 90 / 100 / 110 / 110 / 105kg
incline bench 4x10

Ankle felt ok. Really struggled techwise in the snatch, gotta learn to do it properly.


general strength circuits
multiple med ball throws (ovh, backwards, jav like, side twist)


Sucked like hell in the shot, even with the 4kg one. I have to completely relearn the event.


hurdle mobility
hurdle double footed jumps 3 x 5
4 x sfs (45 light accel / 15 sprint / 15 float / 15 sprint)

clean singles 4x70 , 3x75kg last one failed
squat 5x3 80 / 90 / 95 / 95 / 90kg
bench 4x4 50 / 55 / 60 / 65kg

Felt good. It was a surprise to move that much weight in the squat. I believe it’s because I used exhaustively my hamstrings.


8 x hurdle runs at 98cm @ 70% max v, 2 hurdles
high jump 4 step, max 177 PB, scissor 168

extensive tempo 3 x 250 30s rest, 2x150 totalling 1050m

Felt awesome at the high jump. Hadn’t high jumped in over a year from now not a single time. Technique wise I was excelent, better than ever. Core strengh seems to have helped a lot. Before I used to drop my arch immediatly and land on my back, today learned that if I do a good sommersault I land on my neck. I also pb’d completely from a 4 step approach, previous one was 170 IIRC. Having some stiff lj spikes also felt very very good. The scissor off a faster approach felt good.

Btw. my hamstrings are really tired, I have worked a lot on posture yesterday and today since I used to run with a forward lean and a slight butt out posture. Running straighter makes me run much more taller and also makes me feel how my hamstrings are more taxed while running. I am evaluating skipping tomorrow’s speed end work (2x130 @ 90%+) for some accels.

Later on I will write a little analysis of my long jumping deficiencies.

Right now my status:

speed: ok
lj: need lots of work
hj: techwise very good
hurdles: ok, have to get used to senior height
discus: ok+
jav: disaster
shot: disaster
pv: dns

Targets until my departure to germany are:

100m under 11s
200m arround 22.4s
lj: 7.10m +
hj: 1.90m +
hurdles (juniors): 16.50
jav (800g): 35m
discus (2kg): 30m
shot: 10m
pole vault more than I can hj

If I happen to run a 400 I will be happy with <52.00s, just to approach some 6000 in the deca.

I want to adress the wakest points in my take off:

For a start my posture is way off:

I realized this after a friend of mine told me last tuesday I was running like a jumper (high knees, butt out). Someone on this board had also told me I had way too loud footsteps. So I just ran with my butt in, shoulders slightly backwards and voila, most of the sound had disappeared, I was running ridiculously taller and felt how my hamstrings worked.

I recently switched from a run-off-the-board-esque technique (alla Erki Nool, Mikk Pahapill) to a more lj-esque technique because I couldn’t make my take off leg contact straight with the board and got no height.

My penultimate and ultimate went from long-long to medium-long. The problem is that while this wouldn’t be much off an issue the knee / shin recovery of my swing leg is delayed, or at least the swing of the knee, thus making my foot come too close to my butt. This obviously makes the swing slower, generates much less momentum and increases the GCT at take off. Besides that is as if I was having the left leg mechanics of a jump-esque style with some exaggerated swing mechanics of a run-off-the-board style. That obviously doesn’t work at all. Those who have the run-off-the-board will experience much less braking in a less abrupt penultimate, loosing less speed and compensating the “lack of height”.

See Nool:


See me:

Last year while focusing on a harder knee drive while running-off-the-board got a better swing (but was planting with a way too bended leg):

On the other hand this huge butt swing is because I don’t shorten the extension off the penultimate:

My plant improved a lot in the last weeks although I lack agression. I also want to focus to plant with a very extended leg closer to my COM than the usual since I lack the strength to support a plant further away. It’s possible to get height that way. Lot’s of multis do it that way or for example, Carl Lewis 8.90 (effective) at 1988 OG:

Btw he also has a very low free leg swing (see how he shortens the extension off the penultimate) so thay may help him to get even more height off the relatively close to his COM plant. What puzzles me is that he doesn’t seem to have great knee drive after leaving ground, perhaps is he just stepping over at take off?

On top of that, my landing sucks. I dive bomb into the pit. I just tend to dive my torso towards my legs instead of bringing my legs to the torso. My tibia tends to contact sand while being very orthogonal to the ground. Landing to the side dissimulates this.

That’s a summary of my most evident and easy to fix (hope so) deficiencies.


8 x lrlr + j on grass (first ones very very easy)
some lj landing drills
javelin (sucked)


hurdle walkovers
blocks 2x20, 3x30m
2 x 130m @ 90%, full recovery

snatch 8 x 2 x 40 / 40 / 45 … 45kg
1/3 squat 5 x 4 x 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 / 115kg
row 4 x 5 60 / 65 / 67.5 / 70kg

Felt very explosive. Some pain right now in the medial area of my right ankle, on my left knee medial meniscus area and on my back. Result of the 1/3 squats and an almost twisted knee in the hurdle walkovers I believe.

On saturday:

4 x lrlrlr

4x220m @ 60% 30s rest
circuits (incline bench, pull overs, ghr, ovh squat)

On monday:

multiple medball throws (backwards ovh, forwards, side twists, jav like)
double footed hurdle hops 3 x 5 hurdles

javelin throw > lots of @ 600 / 800g

My javelin is improving. I believe I was flexing my elbow too much and was holding the javelin like a tennis racket. I feel much more comfortable and throw more with the 800g than the 600g one. Right now I am throwing from standing and from 3 step since it was awful to see it fly, it landed backwards, etc. I just also got the feeling of the quick quick plant and felt the pull on the javelin.


5 x LRLR + j
short approach lj (6 step)
4 x sfs (90m, easy)

clean: 3x2x 70kg, 1x75kg
squat: 4x3x 90 / 90 / 95 / 95kg
bench: 4x4x 50 / 55 / 60 / 65kg
complex: 3x5 x (jump squats 27kg + dinamic step ups 27kg)

The sfs were done with a very big technical emphasis. I run well under 90% but got me on tape and am running taller than ever, legs straigt at contact.


a little bit of hurdles during the warmup
hj from 4 steps (letargic > aborted)
javelin throw (incredible)

4x250m @ 60% 30s rest

Worked with a thrower today. He corrected on spot my grip and literaly twisted my shoulder a little bit. Made wonders. It feels like a complete new event to me now, the javelin flys perfectly and my issues are suddenly gone. Extremely extremely pleased with today’s session, even thought the HJ sucked, had no pop.

Carl Lewis looks like Holm preparing to plant for high jump take-off on the first picture.

Yes, but he is planting really close to his COM and has anything but an agressive take off. Perhaps is it due to his posture that he is able to get height?


discus throw 1.5kg
5 x LRLR+J 2 steps walk in, avg 16m
4x short app ljs

3x40m from blocks
aborted session

It went wonderfuly well until the 3rd 40m, I had a weird feeling in my right hamstring and the lower back of my knee. It was nowhere near a twingle, mostly like a “muscle distension”. Hammy hurts if I push something backwards.

Cause? Sprinting in 5ºC and pushing it harder than I should have. I was perfectly warmed up but the long recoveries made me cool down. So no sprinting till next week, I will have to figure out a way to train with no indoor track. And perhaps the 250 from yesterday were too much.

Btw. I video timed some LJ approaches:

4.00s / 30m avg for progressive accelerations
3.87s / 30m for hard accel

Things going bad.


Jerk: 5 x 4 x 40 / 45 / 50 / 52.5 / 55kg
Front squat: 3 x 4 x 60 / 75 / 75
Row: 3x5x 60 /65/70kg
I bench: 3x10


Warmed up but during strides hammy hurt. Went to lift but felt very very very letargic. I had trouble cleaning 70kg. On top of that my right ankle still gets swolen and hurts while squatting / cleaning in the medial side since I believe to have twisted it inwardly while learning to snatch some weeks ago. Called it a day (a week?) after the fourth clean single. Just felt unmotivated to continue training.

I believe I will take the week off or at least from lower body work (again). It’s really annoying starting the season well but not being able to train over a week without some kind of hampering.

Btw. I am evaluating seriously “calling it a season”.

Things going better. Taking it relatively easy these day and hoping to pump the volume up a little bit this week.

On thursday:

hurdle jumps x 6 (3 each leg)
med ball throws (ovh, side twits, jav like, backwards) + circuits

On friday:

javelin throw (x25) 3 step with 800g
short approach lj x 10
3 x 120m @ 90%

Started working with a cuban coach in the javelin. 3 stepped arround 35m consistently, using wider diameter javs feels much much better and the javelin doesn’t slip anymore. The ones I used at my former school are too small for my grip.


snatch 2x3x40kg 2x45 2x2x47.5kg
third squat 5 x 4 x 90 / 100 / 110 / 115 / 120kg
bench 4 x 4 x 50 / 55 / 60 / 65kg
ghr 3x12

Weirdest day of my lifting time. Started very very sluggish with the snatches, and until the fourth squat set I was bein totalled by the weight. Then suddenly something clicked in my head and 120kg felt easy! The same happened with the bench. It seems to me that pressing my teeth and tensing up my body makes me lift much much more.

I am going to continue with my LJ mechanics overhaul. During the last bounding sessions I realized to have found a good balance between relaxation and power. I tended to overrelax both running and jumping / bounding. I am suddenly able to bounce down the runway much more powerfully, since march I was “asleep”, or affraid of attacking the board and also slowed down unconciously on the runway, I also started feeling bounding and jumping more as a whole body thing rather than localized in the legs. I felt this specially while triple jumping, where my hop take off felt great and was getting more height than in my LJ take off. Weird, isn’t it? It’s as if I felt my whole body acting as a big spring.

I am switching to a much more agressive style. Main focuses:

*good posture during runup and jump (no butt out, high hips)
*attack the board, don’t slow down
*free leg knee drive
*kick far in front of my during landing

Regarding mid air tech I don’t know, I might even end up doing something simil sail. Whilever I don’t crach into the sandpit anything is acceptable. Once I am in the air I will start worrying about it.


extensive tempo 10x100 5x110 2x100 hopping knee drive
incline bench 4x10 50kg


short approaches lj (sucked)
4 x 50m
clean 3x60kg

Way way too cold! 5ºC and windchill. Ran the 50m repeats at 90% and then called it a day, I just cooled down between reps. When I came to the weightroom was already too sluggish.


javlin throw

(rest 1 min between reps)
clean singles 5x70kg 3x75kg
full squat 4x4 90 / 95 / 100 / 100kg PB
row 4 x 5 x 60 / 65 / 65 / 70kg
ghr 3x12

Was supposed to do bounding but it was again too cold and windy, my jav sucked since I had no mobility. 8:30pm workout, 3ºC, 85% humidity and wind, great conditions.

Total PB in the squat, felt easy and could have gone for 6 reps. I am squatting barefoot right now because with trainers my ankle twisted inwards. I am having some achilles light pains so I believe it’s related with increased rom at barefoot squatting, gotta get some weightlifting shoes. The cleans felt easy too.

Today I was supposed to do extensive tempo but work at the factory is killing me. Came home and dropped dead on the bed.

Nothing wrong with squatting barefoot but I’d ease into it to get your feet used to it.

Have you tried it before? Any input would be great.


short approaches lj (4 step!!) x 10
5 x 60m

In the LJ I am switching back to a style I used one year ago for what I believe to be my best jump given the circumstances.
Switched back to grass training, felt weird. Could feel the unlevel terrain and bothered my running. The grass was wet so the accel wasn’t hard as it could have been.

Yes, a lot of people do it. I suggest doing a few easy sessions to get used to it and make sure you don’t have any problems. It feels quite natural to me.

Haven’t posted in a while.

Thanks for the input Juggler!

Friday 26:

3x6 cmj + 10 x LRLR
snatch 3x40kg 3 x 2 x 45 kg
third squat: 5x4 90 / 100 / 110 / 115 / 120kg
bench: almost died

Was very tired during this workout. Made the biggest fuck up of my lifting career while bench pressing, missed the rack and released. Elbow hurt after that. The rack layout saved me. Conclusion: don’t lift when you are falling asleep during the warm up.


short app jumps
16 x 100m tempo



1 x 90m progression until 90%
30 x very short approach jumps

Was too cold and windy outside. Jumped in a handball court onto some gymnastics mats. Focused on landing and some postural issues. Jumped from a jog approach.


4x4 cmj

squat 2 x 6 x 60 / 70 .-. 2 x 4 x 90 / 100 KG EASY

Squatting 100kg felt easy today. Don’t know what’s happening to my body, this month and since the implementation of special endurance (i.e. 2x130 @ 90%) my BW has gone up by 3kg to 76.5kg at 1.85m tall and strength seems to be skyrocketing. Interestingly enough I am equally skinnier as before. So where is the weight gain visible? I have gained 7kg in the past only with intensive tempo, but never 2kg within a month. It might be also that my usual winter weight (Fat) gain adds.

My left achilles is a little bit irritated. Big jumping volume + lifting + running + pressing a pedal constantly in the factory are doing the job. Will skip tomorrows tempo session and do some achilels strengthtening instead.

On saturday I will compete, will run 100m at 13:30pm and LJ at 15:30. Will be interesting since I haven’t run nor jumped as much as I wanted due to weather. Lately I have focused more on plyos and added some SE. This month I have just done:

  • 8 max v sessions
  • 4 speed endurance sessions (mixed with max v, ie 90m sfs)
  • 14 jumping sessions
  • 10 lifting sessions
  • 7 extensive tempo / circuit sessions

I am aiming for sub 11.20 on saturday.

Today was a wonderful day here in Buenos Aires, warmer than the average, clear, no wind but meet got suspended. Motherfuckers of the government didn’t implement swine flu curfew because of elections one week ago and magically the day after elections they suspend almost every type of activity. Right now I have no facilities where to train at but a park. So no weights for an undetermined period of time. Thoughts on how to replace them are welcome.

I am crazy about this because I am excellent right now, running really fast, relatively unloaded and last year I got fucked up the same way by the gov. They were unable to control forestal fires (shitty landfires for other countries standards) so Buenos Aires got covered by a dense smoke. Meets were suspended, I was in really good shape and after that got injured. So if you are looking for a serious country were to train avoid Argentina.

On top of that some people came from Brazil and Uruguay for this meet, so I am still not taking the worst part of this crap.

Btw on thursday and already knowing meet was going to be suspended:

short approach lj

all out:

Right now I want to see some politician’s heads rolling on the ground.

Well, at least now I can use a rugby field but still no weights and I am feeling the effect of it.

On sunday 5/7:

2x30 uphill
2x30 downhill
3x130 @ 90% unlevel terrain

On tuesday:

4 x 30 + 4 x 60m


short approach jumps ( best one off 8 step +/- 5.80m)

Here are some pictures of my actual facilities. As you can see the pit is a little bit rough (it’s a kids playground) and the surrounding surface is unlevel. I don’t jump off that board much because I skid too much, but the surrounding terrain is very soft with lots of sand and dirt.
Off an historic perspective on the very same pit it was jumped during the 1918 south american championships held in San Isidro, Buenos Aires. The board seen there dates back from those years. The argentinean team of those years also trained there.
The rugby field I am sprinting on has very very long grass, it’s extremelly soft and when you run on it it feels as if you were running on a matt in slow mo.

Hmm, that sounds exactly like the training facility at the highschool I coach at, but you forgot to mention being very uneven, and having lots of places to risk wrecking an ankle or knee on.

Yes, but at least this special field has been leveled to an extent with sand. Anyway sprinting there the day after a match is terrible. Not to mention normally the ride feels quite bumpy and you suddenly feel your hips dropping or after hitting a sand spot you kinda either slip or slow down. It’s like flying through turbulence. I am also starting to believe there is a very slight uphill there.

How much faster do your athletes run on a synthetic track?