I have an interesting set of circumstances to work with, I buddy of mine at work, mainly a hockey player has asked me to help him out with training for track. He has city championships in 6 weeks. Basically I have 6 weeks to help him out. He his general fitness is pretty good from the hockey; as far as track goes his training age is zero. He ran a couple of hundreds last year (12.5’s FAT), but other then that no track history. He wants to run the 100 and long jump. I figure the main thing I will try to teach him over this time is to relax when he runs (I have a feeling that he’s going to be very tight and pushing when he runs). How should the training be structured? I was thinking a set up like this:
Mon: *Acceleration work or work on the runway
*med ball high intensity
Wed: *Tempo
Fri: *Max Vel.
*med ball high intensity