Accelerated Recovery Trough Sound Silence

I’m not sure what this is, but one of my friend coaches here was talking with a Recovery/Therapy promoter here in Greece, and he was talking about this “Sound Vitality” recovery method that can be used for:

I’m not attracted to the possible usefulness of it… Just wondering if anyone supports the idea, or has previous/current experiene with it.

Seem an Infrasound/vibroacoustic device.
In Italy there is a new technology called ViSS based on the same concept.
The doctor of one of the team where I work, has been to a seminar and He was enthusiast…this is the only information I have about this new(?) technology.

PS: Italian Links:
you can use google to translate in English.

Thanks Jami :slight_smile:
(Oh who needs Google… those links make perfect sense :o )

Let me/us know if you come across the ViSS personally. I’d be interested in your point of view.