A MUST Gym Equipment?

lol your one of those that does heavy barbell curls in the squat rack while making squeeky noises like a little girl getting a band aid pulled off.

i seen one of them rear delt machines the other day, i think its always been there, but somebody was actually using it this day. crazy looking machine.
mind you, the guys using it were hurting in their shoulders.

To the Yessis model please.

o, ive only talked to people who helped build the machine and they often point out flaws in other ghr, not to say that the elitefts ghr benches arent built right i just need to check to make sure that it meets the proper qualifications. i was just trying to say i know that the yessis ghr bench is built correctly.

you kno what else would be great if you had an extra 5 thousand dollars laying around… an impulse inertia machine. these will probably produce the most rapid positive changes in the neurological system… starting strength “forget about it”

Is that like a flux capacitor? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol pretty much. it will supercharge your nueromuscular system.


How about this one Mladen? :smiley:

A MUST!!! I am leaving my gym until they get it… :smiley:

looks like another piece of commercial crap to me

Absolutely!Not even good for rehab (there are so many other BETTER ways!)…

They have this machine amongst all other fancy equipment at the local gym here and swear it is great to improve neuro muscular
co-ordination for sports!

It even says ‘functional trainer’ on this machine :slight_smile: After all, functional training is the new buzz word, well, not so new I guess.

So is it a complete waste of time and the proper use of free weights the best way to improve strength and co-ordination for a sports person?

We have that machine at our gym. It’s pretty nice to do some assistance work or general strength. Sure it’s not a replacement for bench, deadlift, clean etc but it’s not garbage…better/more versatile than most “machines”. Now I wouldn’t pay for it or buy it but if it’s, there, use it as a tool.

You guys do lat pulldows or seated rows right? OH GOD THAT’S ON A MACHINE NOOOO. lol come on now.

There is tool and tool…tools were not created equal.A cost/benefit analysis helps in choosing,and setting a simple but productive mindset.

Agreed. I wouldn’t recommend this piece for purchase but I would (do) use it if it’s there.

the neuromuscular programming on a machine like that is all wrong. i could get a better training effect with a 3lbs dumbell … seriously.

Hey, Duxx. You got 3lb dumbbells for your facility? :cool:

We got some pinky ones… I do reverse flys with them :slight_smile: LOL!

My gym should get also plates that are less than 10lbs (5kg), because the minimal jump in weight on olympic bars is 10kg… which is huge… I have serious problems with this in my gyn… atleats two of 2.5 kg… I seek to buy them and wear them to the gym… no laughs please :slight_smile:

I would love to have this in my gym

Collegiate Power Rack

what about you guys… :cool:


  • glute hame bench
  • squat stands (not rack)
  • bench
  • olympic lifting plates (rubber)
  • milk crates


  • squat rack
  • manual glute ham bench
  • full set of dumbells (1 1/2 - 200 lbs)


  • V-scope or tendo unit but preferably V-scope
    -ARP (best electical modality available period)
  • impulse inertia machine