60m PB on Monday // Comp on Sunday -- What to do in between???


“the history”:

Sa+Sun off
Mo: Speed with 30m:4,00 and 60m 7,35 PB
Tue: some core work and 3x1+2+1 (100m walk/5min)

Wed: Today

I m having a 60m comp on sunday. Here are my ideas about the last few days. Any critics are welcome:

Mo: PBs + maximum weights
Tue: 1200m tempo

Wed(today): rest
Thu: 4x30m blocks 95% + weights: bp and sq at 75%(8reps)

fry: rest or maybe “tempo” 5x50m / 5x100m

sat: rest

sun: comp

What do you think?
I made the experience that 2 days rest are fine.

Another idea could be to use EMS(maybe 5 contractions) and a long warm-up on wed and then rest on thu,friday / sat just a short warm-up…

What do you think?

I’d keep the tempo on friday and not expect too much on Sunday! If you can get to a pool then you could do a simple recovery session (1.2-1.5m water 40min worth of drills and walking) on wed and maybe even saturday! I find the pool really helps to make you feel like a million dollars.

i think charlie recommends pounding out a heavy bench press to prime the CNS, as well, Im not too sure, but I dont think max weights in the 10 days before is a good idea. As for the bench press, I believe 2-3 days prior to comp is recommended? I’d say two for you.

I believe what CF said about the max bench was to not do this closer than 5 days before a race if it is max, but maint weights can be 2-3 days before a race. I’d agree with TC that your weight intensity is too high if competition is the priority. For me maint weights would be 2X6 @ <65% 1RM.

But I think part of the answer depends on what phase you’re in. Charlie doesn’t seem to favor (much) racing during SPP, and if that’s where you are, you probably need to keep your training up until the taper phase, and you may need to accept results now that are slower than they will be after you taper the weights.

I’ve had the best results for 60 with this kind of schedule:

Tue: 30 + 3 X 100 @ 95+% (the last hard workout, but avoiding high CNS load stuff)

Wed: 3X200 tempo or off

Thu: maint weights (2X6)

Fri: off

Sat: comp

wouldnt that depend on ur level of development? ie ben was extremely strong, so a bench closer than five days would leave the cns still fatigued, but for a less advanced lifter 2-3 days why not? they cannot strss their cns enough that it will not recover