5 bound test

can someone explain the 5 bound test?

Usually it is performed in one of the following ways:

  • standing long jump, left, right, left, right landing in sand pit (or slj, right,left, right,left).

  • RLRLR or LRLRL into sand with just a rockback motion at the start or up to a 1-4 step run-in.

I think PierreJean once told me that the East German protocol used a 4 step run in.

thanks for the answer

What does it tell you? What training must precede the test to make it relevant?
I have the concern that such tests can lead to a false assurance in training that all is well when Sprint and SE times would be going into the crapper if they were checked.

Would you use any similar tests at all?

If I had used some of these criteria, I would have tested them but never without the Spee and Se as primary. In my case I didn’t measure anything other than speed and, of course, weights. Even the weights had to be secondary.

Totally agree. I used to have our kids perform such tests and one day realized that all I was doing was witnessing how unskilled some of the kids were at bounding, standing triple jumps, etc. Even a few of the best sprinters/hurdlers did not fare well for a lack of skill. I suppose it could be a relevant test for those who have, for some time, performed such tests as part of their training.

i was thinking about using the 5 bound test for my jumpers only.

OK Sounds good but see if you can get some specifics on distances for comparison. i’m sure there are some tables somewhere.

This is my own classification, totally anecdotal and subjective, for male jumpers. Take it with a huge grain of salt.

From standing;
16m = poor
17m = intermediate
18m = good
19m = only for a few
20m = never

With a free run-up:
22m = poor
23m = intermediate
24m = good
25m = very good
26m = never heard anyone do it, but could be possible?

I gather you’re a HS coach so this will not apply to them however. Perhaps a proper way to use the test is to use it regularly and just look at the progress (forgetting any tables altogether). Moreover, especially for the triple jump, starting from standing will be a poor indicator for the actual event, whereas the one with a free run-up appears to be much more accurate. But here’s the catch: if the approach surpasses a flying six steps, then they might as well do the actual event and not the five step test because it becomes increasingly more difficult to do the fist step without a hop – for triple jumpers it might then be somewhat redundant, and for other jumpers, unfamiliar with performing a hop, it might be detrimental or a risk factor.

Perhaps try the test with a two or maybe four step approach and then decide if it’s worth keeping in the program. The athletes tend to like it because the progress is very tangible at first, especially in a supportive group setting.

16m is poor? So they are standing 5 bound, over 3 meters each jump? I always thought a 3 meter standing long jump was impressive, let alone off 1 leg. Maybe I don’t understand this drill.

Yes he must be working with some top guys. Those #s are “out there”.
Have a look at this. http://www.trackandfieldnews.com/technique/109-Frank_Dick.pdf

Sorry, could have been a little bit more specific; that totally anecdotal table I presented is mainly in relation to male elite triple- & long jumpers, although elite high jumpers tend to perform very well too.

Well, only the first step is from standing… you’ll pick up speed and each step becomes longer. With an approach run it’s a different ballgame altogether.

Aahahaha :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
You have trained Johnatan Edwards?

My friend who jump about 15m30 triple jump, his PB in 5 bounces start standing is less 16m.
17m intermediate???

The Danish national record holder in the hammer throw, Jan Bielecki has jumped 18,20 meters.

Now we’re getting to the interesting part:
1:Throwers do better than the rest from a stand.
2: Jonathan Edwards did less plyos that is normal for the triple jump but had massive velocity at the board, so one can assume he would score below the standing 5 jump tests of some other TJers.
All testing must therefore be specific to the individual and his needs.

I remember in the old board here, somone posted standing 5bounds test for some bobsledders…the most impressive was cedric grand, swiss team,(and national record holder over 60m indoor) with 20,58 if memory serves me well…also, when donovan Bailey tried out for canada bobsled in 93, had something like 17,30.

erozag, the bobsleigh jumps testing to my knowledge for both the swiss and canadians is 2 foot jumping i.e. not alternate leg bounding like some the other testing mentioned above. Also having seen some of the bob testing the swiss publish online i have never seen Cedric Grand with anything over 19m let alone 20.58. Beat Hefti used to be the man at the 5 jumps and I have a copy of their testing a couple of years ago when he was a little lighter with him well over 19m…

as I said, went by memory, but remebr someone over 20m…I know they usually test 5 double bounds, However, alternate is used , als o in italy…
any data you have about swiss bobsled tema is really welcomed…

A Swedish study on training methods for the horizontal jumps made statistical analysis on several popular tests and their importance for the result in LJ:

30 m sprint from standing: 0,73 (r-value)
10 m fly: 0,86
30 m fly: 0,92
150 m from standing: 0,78
Long jump from standing: 0,69
5-jumps fs: 0,78
5-jumps with app.: 0,87
5-hops with app.: 0,91
5-hops swing leg with app.: 0,82
drop jump 40 cm: 0,73
drop jump 60 cm: 0,77
drop juump 80 cm: 0,83
Lyakhov 7,25 kg: 0,67
LJ 8 steps: 0,94