400m Hurdles Critique

400m Hurdles Critique

Please find below a setup I’ll be running for my 400m hurdles for the next 40 days. The setup is the first compitition phase of our season and will run from September 11 to October 28. There will be 11 compititions in this period, although most are not significant. The compititions of significance are on: Sep 27, Oct 7, Oct 18, Oct 28.

11-Sep M Short Speed Endurance 85% SE “3 x 60m 3 x 80m 3 x 100m” Over hurdles 5 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

12-Sep T Speed Endurance 90% - SE2 (SE2) “2 x 300m 1 x 350m” 20 min Rest per rep

13-Sep W Speed or competition ATP 6 x fly 20m 3 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

14-Sep T Rest

15-Sep F Run Throughs

16-Sep S Competition

17-Sep S Rest

18-Sep M Strenght - Gym (small load)

19-Sep T Over distance - Long SE 80% (SE2) SE2 3 x 500m (300m Over hurdles, 200m sprint) 20 min Rest per rep

20-Sep W Power - Functional (Sled)

21-Sep T Short Speed Endurance 85% (SE) SE “5 x 120m 2 x 150m” Over hurdles 5 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

22-Sep F Speed Endurance 95% (SE1) SE1 3 x 250m Over hurdles 15 min Rest per rep

23-Sep S Alactic Speed AS “5 x 30m 4 x 40m” 3 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

24-Sep S Rest

25-Sep M ATP Speed ATP “5 x fly 20m 5 x 30m” 3 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

26-Sep T Run Throughs

27-Sep W Competition

28-Sep T Strenght - Gym (small load)

29-Sep F Over distance - Long SE 80% (SE2) SE2 3 x 450m 300m Over hurdles, 150m sprint 20 min Rest per rep

30-Sep S Power - Functional (Sled)

1-Oct S Rest

2-Oct M Short Speed Endurance 85% (SE) SE “3 x 60m 3 x 80m 3 x 100m” Over hurdles 5 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

3-Oct T Speed Endurance 90% SE2 “2 x 300m 1 x 350m” Over hurdles 20 min Rest per rep - Rest per set

4-Oct W Speed or competition AS “4 x 30m 4 x 40m 4 x 50m” 3 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

5-Oct T Rest

6-Oct F Run Throughs

7-Oct S Competition

8-Oct S Rest

9-Oct M Strenght - Gym (small load)

10-Oct T Over distance - Long SE 80% (SE2) SE2 3 x 500m (300m Over hurdles, 200m sprint) 20 min Rest per rep

11-Oct W Power - Functional (Sled)

12-Oct T Short Speed Endurance 85% (SE) SE “5 x 120m 2 x 150m” Over hurdles 5 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

13-Oct F Speed Endurance 95% (SE1) SE1 15 min Rest per rep

14-Oct S ATP Speed ATP 6 x fly 50m 3 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

15-Oct S Rest

16-Oct M Alactic Speed “5 x 30m 4 x 40m” Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

17-Oct T Run Throughs

18-Oct W Competition

19-Oct T Strenght - Gym (small load)

20-Oct F Over distance - Long SE 80% (SE2) SE2 3 x 450m 300m Over hurdles, 150m sprint 20 min Rest per rep

21-Oct S Power - Functional (Sled)

22-Oct S Rest

23-Oct M Short Speed Endurance 85% (SE) SE “3 x 60m 3 x 80m 3 x 100m” Over hurdles 5 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

24-Oct T Speed Endurance 90% SE2 3 x 400m Over hurdles 20 min Rest per rep

25-Oct W Speed or competition AS “5 x 30m 4 x 40m” 3 min Rest per rep 10 min Rest per set

26-Oct T Rest

27-Oct F Run Throughs

28-Oct S Competition

Could you all please have a look and give some feedback. It will be much appreciated. This setup is run for high school hurdlers.