26 Weeks to Glory

Well most of the pains I’m getting are the same aches I got during the pre-comp phase of my XC season. Some are similar to the ones I got during the begining of the XC season, but luckily, none of them are new.

Week-5 Monday
Workout: Wow, I didn’t mean to run 1:15 today, but I did. Well actually I wanted to run an hour and ten, I just realized that I was going to go over by A couple minutes. Oh well. New Mileage PR for 2005 :smiley: .
35 minutes out my left ankle/arch/heel started to give me a bit of pain easily a 3.9. When I torted (that a word?) my left foot inward, though, the pain went away. Right now, my right arch is giving me a bit of soreness, but not bad. No other aches or pains… except for my “legs” which feel dead as hell. Good run, i have to say.
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Workout: 45 minutes easy. I did a recovery run today. Only problem my ankle/heel/arch tendon thing from yesterday started hurting pretty good. It hurts most when I land on an odd object and then twist my heel inwards, while the toe stays out. And because there’s a lot of crap on the rough trails I was doing that quite a Bit, I avoided the rocky bits today as much as possible. Oh yah, and the ankle pain was easily a 6.6 out of ten.
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Week-5 Wedsnday
Workout: I took it easy today, on account of my foot. I got Ivan to come with me on the run today, we did 44 minutes easy. No big deal, but Ivan had a bit too much to eat :stuck_out_tongue: My tibialous anterior (what it feels like) is feeling okay, it hurt a bit, but not bad a 3.8 on the “Ouch Scale” that is when I stepped wrong (or in the right way to hurt it)…
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Week-5 Thursday
Workout: well, I didn’t take it easy today, like I should have, but four hours later, I’m not rergetting the hard workout I did. I did a 10.5k tempo the same exact run I did yesterday in about 40:00 minutes. fun fun. My TA didn’t hurt much. The radius of “wrong step” is decreasing so it’s harder for me to hurt. I’m going to try and get some long runs on flat surfaces in. These trails are killing my feet/calves.
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Week-5 Friday
workout: didn’t run today. There was 40-70 mph winds and heavy rain the whole day. I’ve got an all comers meet tomorrow, and I plan on running the 400 and the 2 mile. It should be a blast. Not really doing the 2 races for times, just as a workout.
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Week-5 Saturday
Workout: well the all comer’s meet was cancelled today due to rain, or some pussy doo-hookey like that. But not being one to waste an opportunity, I did a 6x200 w/30seconds rest workout today. My splits were all over the place. 31-29-32-31-34-31. This might have something to do with the crazy headwind (and water) I had on the first 200 (and every other proceeding 200). But today I learned a valuable lesson. 6x200 @ race pace is bad idea… Quantity over quality isn’t a bad idea, but quantity without quality is a recipe for hurting.
Workout Meteage
Weekly Meterage
51000 <— Wow that workout barely moved my meterage…

Yaee 420 posts…

Especially with 30 sec rest :eek: Are you doing running only, no weights?

Near the end of last season I was doing the same 6x200 workout while hitting 28 seconds consistently, without anywhere near the agony I experienced yesterday, but it was my “tough” workout… It was my “quality” workout that I’d only do once a week.

I’m doing bodyweight stuff (pushups and situps), and lots of manual labor (hauling lumber, digging trenches, shooting my 50lb compound) I’m keeping all the details on my Nikerunning.com journal, I’ll start posting my strength here too. I don’t have access to a weight room until this monday, but I plan on doing double days pretty soon.

Week-5 Sunday
Workout: I did 8 miles today up and down my road (langly). I had my stapwatch today so I hit 6:55-7:00 almost perfectly even. Finished my run in 55:35 (6:57 pace). But all I gotta say, is godanm… Road runs hurt the joints and tendons a lot. I took a 16 minute contrast shower (1hot/30cold) and then I spent a good 40 minutes stretching to get all the kinks out.
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63800 25-35-36-42-40* <-- should have ran on friday. I’m off the curve.

Week-6 Monday
WOrkout: I did the bayview walker loop once. So a little over 5 miles… say 9k. It was rough. Roads 2 days in a road is hard on the shins/ankles/knees. My left knee in particular gave me a lot of ouch and tingle. No sharp pain, but a dull ichy pain. I finished the last mile with on and off surges, ending in a surge. It was pretty crazy, Ivan and I both kept pushing the pace, while pretending not to race… wierdness.
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Week-6 Tuesday
Workout: I did almost 9 miles today. The mud made my run a lot slower than I thought it would. Took about an hour and 9 to do a 9 mile run :frowning: My calves were pretty tight, my right achilles particularly, and my left knee is definately “heating up” it’s physically warm to the touch, and stayed ichy longer than yesterday. I’m doing some intervals tommorrow.
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I’m gonna cry, I lost a week of training. (journals)

Week-7 Sunday
Workout: I did 6 miles (on the road) easy today (42:20) 7:06 pace, I started out quick came through 2 miles in like 13:28 (6:45 pace), but the first mile and a half are downhill, so no surprises. My right arch gave me some pain at first, but quited down to a dull warm sensation through the rest of the run. Both my calves (achilles area) got quite tight. My Hammstring, however, feels completely recovered. Definately taking it easy tommorrow. I have to remember the focus now, is on BIOMECHANICS… not speed. Accuracy, not power…

Edit: 11 mins Contrast Showers, and 20 mins contact ice on each calve.
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40000 (According the my Nike.com journal)
Weekly Meterage

I’ve read through a few of these posts and it looks like you’re transitioning from XC to track season by way of a short recovery 800 pace workout. I’m thinking you started your XC build-up by developing your aerobic capacity through lots of mileage and some tempo runs. Then you probably worked on aerobic power by running XC race pace on hills, the course, etc. with shortish recoveries.

Have you considered approaching the 800 in the same way? You’re aiming for that 1:51, but right now you’re training anaerobic power at 1:58 pace at best. Perhaps you could do the 6x200 set with medium to full recovery right now in 26-27sec per, making it an anaerobic capacity session. You could work that up to 4x250, then 4x300, 3x350, etc. At that point, let’s say April, you could return to the anaerobic power (short recovery) and find yourself capable of 6x200 in 26 w/ 30sec recovery. That’s a progression I like to follow, just wanted to make sure you’ve considered it.

Yup i’ve got to agree with you on that one, Joel. I came to the same conclusion myself. I’m gonna lengthen the recovery a shipload for the next 3-6 weeks (on the 200’s which is my main workout), and try and continually drop the time until I get to my target (which is 30 second recovery at 27 second pace). I just don’t have the anaerobic endurance to maintain my form through an intense lactic workout right now. I almost pulled my hammy last monday doing a workout that, though I’m sure I’ll be ready for it later, was too fast at too short of a recovery for where I’m at right now.

Edit: It’s kind of hard doing your own training schedual. A lot of the stuff I’ve done is just trial and error. All the godanm training manuals I’ve been looking for have been for sprinters (60-400) and Distance runners (1600-marathon) I’m gonna cry :frowning:

Week-8 Monday (Holy crap almost 1/3 of the way through my season YIKES!)
Morning: I did a good ab workout didn’t keep count, but I did somewhere between 150-200 crunches in sets of 30-40, and 90-120 pushups in sets of 10-15. Along with two reps of 15+ burpees.

Workout: I did 10x100m w/1:00 recovery @ 14.5+ pace. Along with 30 mins combined warmup/cooldown. The workout was better than the last time I did 100’s I stopped right away when my right hammy started to hurt. When I slowed down at the end of my 100’s the big tendon behind my right knee on the left side would click or snap painfully. My hypothesis: It probably has to do with the odd tortion caused by the pronation of my right foot.

I did a contrast shower 3:1 ratio for 16 minutes. No icing tonight.

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Week-8 Tuesday
Workout: I did 8 miles at 7:15 pace. It is definately like the rear of my grion, or inner hamstring that is hurting. In smarts pretty good, but it only smarts a bit. I’m going to do some contact icing in a short bit. Other than that, the workout itself was a bit above mild, probably not as easy as it should have been.
Workout Meterage:
Weekly Meterage

Palmtag - Many of your posts seem to contain injury-related information followed by icing, stretching, rubbing, and contrast showers. I’m wondering if there is a background of injury-preventative training in place.

-A lot of the Hamstring, IT band, knee, and shin (and other lower leg) pains are things I experience when not doing weekly weight training of some kind. I’m not sure of the exact mechanisms, but doing some lifting, be it squats or even isolated movements like leg extensions and curls really helps when I’m trying to hold high mileage, as you are with these regular 7 mile runs.
-The arch problems I have also had, and had good luck correcting by doing the following:

  1. Throwing in some barefoot grass run for 5-10 minutes a few times a week
  2. Using that device called the archxerciser

I’d try to get to a point where you’re running painfree before you make a lot of training progressions. Otherwise these lingering pains are going to sabotage your season.